number 13

22 0 0

Tomorrow by together

Yeonjun: Goodmorning guys

Soobin: Someone's in a good mood

Yeonjun: Yes...I wonder why

Soobin: Why?

Taehyun: Yeah what's up

Yeonjun: Today is a very special day

Beomgyu: what day? It's Friday

Yeonjun: You dumbasses what comes on sep 13?!??!

Soobin: Idk?????

Beomgyu: That's so specific how would we kno

Yeonjun: Man fuck you guys

Taehyun: I'm just gonna brace myself for beomgyus response

Beomgyu: When? 😏

Kai: Happy birthday yeonjun hyung

Taehyun: Its your birthday??????

Yeonjun: thank you Kai, your my favourite.

Soobin: Oh shit

Beomgyu: I knew that

Yeonjun: Yeah up my ass you knew that

Soobin: Beomgyu was up your what now....

Beomgyu: Woah yeonjun

Yeonjun: it's an analogy guys

Taehyun: I'm not sure that's how it works

Yeonjun: Are we just gonna ignore the fact that it's my birthday and y'all forgot?

Beomgyu: What we should be talking about is the fact that you openly said that u want me up your ass

Yeonjun: just shut up

Beomgyu: u didn't deny it


Beomgyu: Okay princess

Yeonjun: Fuck off

Kai: Wtf

Taehyun: Guys go fix your relationship issues elsewhere

Yeonjun: You guys suck

Beomgyu: I know😏

Yeonjun: I HATE YOU

Beomgyu: 😘😘


Soobin: Yeonjun what do u wanna do for ur bday

Yeonjun: Fuck all of u except Kai

Soobin: I was just being nice☹️

Yeonjun: We've been friends for 6 years I cant believe y'all forgot

Kai: 😝

Kai: Guys be smart I just checked Yeonjuns insta after he said sep 13...get on my level

Taehyun: Nice, look what chat this is💀

Kai: Oh shit

Beomgyu: It was nice knowing ya

Yeonjun: Well damn thanks a lot guys

Yeonjun: you think they know you until they don't

Beomgyu: If this makes up for anything I got u a gift

Yeonjun: Thanks beomgyu

Beomgyu: Wanna see what it is?

Yeonjun; Yeah

Beomgyu: ❤️❤️❤️❤️💞💞💕💕

Yeonjun: What the fuck is that

Beomgyu: My love

Yeonjun: Ew I don't want it, return it

Taehyun: 💀

Beomgyu: Heart been broke so many times iii...

Soobin: So are we gonna go out to party or what????

Beomgyu: Ofc

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