XVI ; Ghosts Booking A Room

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Dressed in new clothes that will have cost them nothing, the two boys leave the store to find the outside, where they avoid the rain thanks to an umbrella that they took in this same store.

– It feels good to be dry.

– Right? I feel like we're going to need it if time never goes forward again.

The two friends find the car and get into it, having put the closed umbrella on the back seat.

Hyunjin starts it and then turns his head towards the little one who seems a bit lost in his thoughts.

– Say, what do you want to do now?

Minho purses his lips between them before bringing his hand to his chin.

– Mmh... Let me think.

– ...Without wanting to interrupt your moment of reflection, I might have an idea.

The brunette looks up at the taller one and tilts his head a little to the side.

– Tell me?

– Now that we have an umbrella, we can visit central park. The park looks small on pictures, but in reality, it's huge! I bet it looks great in the rain.

– Hmm, why not? Do you want us to go get something to eat to fully enjoy the ride?

– Excellent idea! We don't miss anything here in New York so it'll be easy to find something.

Minho nods and with that, the two friends go in search of ready-made meals to make their ride even better.

When they have found something to eat at an outdoor kiosk, they make their way to one of the entrances to central park and once there, they get out of the car with the umbrella in their hands.

They stick under it to make sure neither of them gets wet, then they start visiting the large green rectangle.

– You know, maybe being stuck in time can be fun... By your side, of course.

Hyunjin offers a sweet smile to the smaller one before taking a bite of his meal.

Around them, streetlights illuminate the frozen rain as well as the famous landscapes that the famous park has to offer.

The two boys pass under the Dipway Arch, encountering a few people frozen just like the rain.

– That's nice of you, Hyun'. I think if we're going to stay stuck like this in time, then... We should take full advantage of it and do as much as possible.

– Eventually we'll run out. That's not what we want either.

The older one laughs softly as he takes another bite of his meal. Minho—for his part—laughs too and then frowns as he dives one of his hands into his pockets.

– By the way... Since we're caught in time... How do we know when we should sleep...?

Hyunjin's eyes drift to the scenery around them.

– That's a good question... I guess when you feel tired then, you can tell me and we'll find a closer hotel. Either way, we won't have to pay for it. It's like ghosts booking a room.

The younger's metaphor makes Minho laugh slightly.

– Ghosts, huh? I have another dream that I think we could make come true you and me later in the bedroom.

The brunette's smile turns into something amused. He doesn't notice at the time that these words could be interpreted... differently.

– Oh yeah? Can't wait to make your dreams come true then, little head.

Hyunjin gently pats his friend's head. He also said it in an amused tone. Luckily for him, the darkness camouflaged the fact that his cheeks had taken on a rosy tint.

«What an idiot this Minho is» he thinks, unable to prevent a soft smile from appearing on his lips.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now