XVII ; Merry-Go-Round

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The two boys have been walking for a few minutes talking about everything and nothing, when Minho's eyes are attracted by colored lights which contrast strongly with the green landscape.

- What is...

Hyunjin smirks smugly. The reaction of the smallest amuses him.

He, unlike his friend, knows the place. It's not the first time he's set foot in New York, and besides, how could he not remember the lights of the famous merry-go-round he rode on as a young child.

- A carousel in such a place!?

Hyunjin's smile softens even more at the sound of the little one's exclamations.

The famous carousel.

How many times had he thought about this carousel after the first time he climbed on one of the horses and enjoyed his little ride.

- You're lucky, there's no one on it because when time stood still, it was supposed to be closed.

Minho raises his eyebrows as a playful expression forms on his face.

Such a phenomenon happens only rarely and therefore Hyunjin takes the time to enjoy this vision of the smallest for the time it lasts.

The oldest hastens to go near the carousel and he climbs on the revolving platform. He then observes the horses, having as a plan to choose the one he prefers.

- We absolutely have to go for a ride!

Seeing Minho so enthusiastic makes the tallest laugh.

Agreeing with his words, he decides to put the umbrella on the ground, even if it means getting wet like his friend, and then goes to the small cabin where the control panel is.

Using a little logic, he ends up operating the carousel and causing it to turn slowly, its movement being accompanied by soft music.

Sitting on the horse that has won his heart, Minho motions the swarthy to join him.

He therefore does what is asked of him and he finds a place for himself alongside the dark blond haired boy, still smiling.

- Talk about the perfect place for a carousel. I could stay there for hours!

Hyunjin lets out a light laugh, clinging a little more to the bar of his horse.

- These are almost exactly the words I made my parents hear when they first brought me here. I feel like I'm reliving the moment but... With you.

Minho's features soften in turn as he plunges his enlightened gaze into his interlocutor's.

- So you've already been on this carousel?

The older one nods his head.

- Sometimes, yes. This ride has a strong emotional value for me. Sometimes, when life isn't looking the best for me, I like to imagine that the younger me is back on that horse and enjoying the moment without worrying about his problems.

- Woah... That's so beautiful...

Hyunjin huffs lightly wistfully in response. His gaze then drops to the horse on which Minho has sat and he raises his eyebrows.

- If it's not my favorite place... So you're the one who stole it from me.

Minho blinks before lowering his eyes to his horse.

- You... You even remember the horse you chose?

His respondent nods amusedly. The reactions of the little one are adorable according to him.

- How could I forget it? Look closely at its ear...

At his words, the brunette squints to try to see something.

- "Prince H."... Did you engrave that?

Without remorse, he nods.

- I always felt like a prince in this carousel.

Minho smiled fondly, remaining silent for a short while.

- In that case... You can call me princess Lee, my prince.


Triple update because I didn't have to update the french version. 😽

I hope you all are having an amazing night/day!

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