1 (Prologue)

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Catra woke to Emily nudging her consistently.

She ignores the bot, and quickly dressed in her uniform.

Suddenly, Scorpia appeared at the door.

'Err...Wildcat? Man, Hordak wants you. And he is acting weird..' She trailed off, not wanting to scare Catra.

'Okay?' She walked right past and down the hallway to Hordaks sanctum.

When she entered, the Horde boss stood beside his throne, with Imp sitting on the left armrest of the object.

'Hordak? You called?' She felt awkward standing down there alone..

'Catra, Come here'

He was smiling.

'Yeah?' She continued as she stepped right in front of the throne.

'I was speaking to the other cadets about your progress and strength' He paused, as if he was considering something. But then the eery smile returned.

'And I've come to the decision, that you will be the Princess of the Horde'

Catra chokes on oxygen.

'Me?! A princess?!' She chokes.

'Yup. But, we are going to focus on the Horde itself, and pause our plans to take over Etheria for now, and just work on making this place the best we can'

Hordak smiles at her. And soon, she's smiling back.

She may not have Adora. But now, she has the Horde under her command.

Hordak and Shadow Weaver.

Under her control.

And she was loving it.

The Hordes Princess Where stories live. Discover now