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Shadow Weaver burst into the black garnet chamber.

She was furious.

Curse that hairy, wrong eyed, mongrel, she muttered through her mostly silent rage.

She knew that Catra would be easy to manipulate, but the new princess had requested her to Stay the hell away, before she was kidnapped by other sparkly good guys.

It was almost sad it was so ironic.

Shadow grumbled out some new insults for Catra as she began to brew something.

Sadly, it wasn't soup.

She picked up a glass container filled with a grayish powder, and she smiled as she poured it into the bowl.

A little mixing, more suspicious Ingredients, more mixing.

Shadow Weaver was having the time of her life at the thoughts of what this would do.

Tendrils of shadows danced along the walls and floor, and the garnet seemed to glare at her in annoyance.

Even more suspicious Ingredients, some more mixing.

Plans were forming in her mind like the devil had spawned there and started shouting commands.

She looked at the gray cement like thing she had whisked up, and fixed it into a large slab, which she cut into three bars.

They weren't, but they look identical to the gray ration bars.

Shadow Weaver smirked and cackled evily like the witch she was, and then turned to the less fun stuff, her paperwork.

She sighed, alas, she had what zhe wanted, and now she had to pay the price.


Catra stumbled to the ground.

The Arrow boy, who's name she had learned was Bow, helped her up as well as he could.

'Are you okay?' He asked, a genuine tone in his voice.

'Like you care...' She mumbled.

'We do actually' He said, standing. 'The rebellion treats its prisoners with compassion'

He spoke proudly, and Catra looked ahead with a smile, to see Sparkle boots was huffing her way forward toward where she assumed was dryl.

'You princess types always have to be the bleeding hearts, don't you? Everything's about ThE pOwEr Of fRiEnDsHiP, how's that working out for you?' She says, head moving as she speaks.

Bow stared at her blankly as she spoke.

'C'mon, I bet even the Horde has friends' He smiled, nudging her arm playfully. 'What about Adora?' He crossed his arms with a somewhat knowing smile, causing her to turn away, embarrassed.

'You two grew up together, right? What was she like as kids?'

She fought the urge to claw him in the face and run, which she praised herself mentally for. Though she does hiss at him.

'Glimmer and I have known each other forever too, she would teleport to the roof to get my lost arrows when I was just learning to shoot'

'Woah, seems like you two are really close, sounds like Glimmer would do anything for you' She butters him up.

'Yeah, of course! She's my my friend!'

'Good to know' And she unsheaths her claws.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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