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Catra sighed as she got dressed for the day.

Then, she walked out and stopped beside a giant grey tank.

She gave a squeaky yawn and scratched her leg absent-mindedly.

Suddenly, she got a call from Kyle.

It was about Entrapta. She let him explain what was happening,

'Get it together Kyle, your fine'

And then hung up on him. It was too early for this.

Suddenly, Sparkles and Arrow boy jumped out of nowhere.

A battle ensued, Scorpia was there, and next thing she knew she was falling.

'Glimmer! Wake up!'

'What did you just do to me!' Catra exclaimed.

Glimmer kicked her in the face. She went flying. She was not, a happy camper.

She landed with a thud, and her tail shot up.

Immediately she scrambled to get to her feet, but the Arrow boy was quicker, and she was entrapped in a net a moment later.

She hissed and scratched but nothing worked.

And then, princess twinkle toes and the archer attempted forced onto a rock, perched on the edge of it.

Her captors were squabbling now, a good bit away, but she could still hear them perfectly.

A plan formed in her devious mind, and a smirk twisted across her face.

All it would take was the right moment.


Back at the Horde,
Scorpia was frantic with worry.

She had told the other force captains, and Hordak what had happened, but no movement was made, they were waiting for some kind of signal that she was alive, someone as smart as Catra would send one when it was time.

Scorpia trusted Catra to do as explained, yet the worry kept gushing.

What if she was hurt? What if she was...dead?!

She shook her head and shuddered. Catra  would rather be flayed alive then dead by princesses.

Wildcat is fine, she told herself.

But there was something sticking into her more positive thoughts.

What if it was something one of them said that hurt her?

Not physically hurting her, but still a type of pain?

She wanted to dismiss that thought like she had the others, but something about just felt prophetic.

Like it was the truth. What would they have said?

Svorpia sighed, the answer clear in her mind.

It would be about her once beloved Adora.

She felt bad for Catra, but knew that there was nothing to be done when it was about Adora.

The Hordes Princess Where stories live. Discover now