chapter five

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chapter five - "cause i had nothin' to lose"

"el?", the front door opened and el was met with the face of max mayfield.

when el woke up this morning, her dad was yelling at her immediately. lucky for her ego, mike slept though most of it. needless to say, el had nowhere to go. she kicked mike out the second he put his clothes on but that didn't stop him from listening through the door. his hangover was raging and their screaming didn't help, but he got the gist. he couldn't help but feel bad for her, her dad kicked her out first thing in the morning. mike left before el could yell at him.

she packed her important stuff; clothes, jewelry, condoms, etc. she left with one of her dads beers before he could say anything else to her, that's when she made the long walk over to her best friends house.

"hi", el's voice was hoarse from tears and cigarettes, "can i come in?"

max moved to let the brunette in. they silently walked to max's room and neither of them said anything until they were on her bed. max was about to say something when el started crying. max couldn't remember the last time she saw her cry, so she just held her for awhile.

"what happened?", she was rubbing soothing circles to her back.

"my dad kicked me out", she choked though her sobs.

"what! why? what happened?"

el hesitated for a moment but figured her dignity didn't matter in that moment, "he told me if i lost my virginity he'd kick me out and this morning he caught me in bed with a guy", she was sobbing in between words, her vision blurry and her head pounding even more.

"wait what? you lost your virginity? to who?"

el stared at the redhead but swallowed her pride, "mike"

max blinked at her, shocked, "as in mike, mike? lucas' mike?"

she whispered a 'yes' under her breath.

'shock' was an understatement for what max was feeling.

"please don't tell anyone", el was hiding her face in her hands.

"i won't, i promise"

"i have a massive hangover", el slipped down max's headboard to lay on her bed.

"i'll get you some painkillers", she kissed el on the head and left her room.

she laid there and stared at the floor, everything hurt. she was cursing mike's name that he was so rough with her, although part of her fucked up mind wished he was here, making her feel better. for some reason, imagining him made her feel better, made her forget about her horrible life. she imagined him under her, his hands on her hips and him inside her. she imagined him between her legs, her hands in his hair.

her delicious thoughts were interrupted by max jumping on the bed next to her, "here you go babes", she handed el two pills and a water bottle.

"my head is throbbing", she swallowed the pills and cracked open her water, trying to once and for all put her thoughts of mike to rest.

she laid her head in max's lap and let her play with her hair before falling asleep.

she woke up to the sun setting, she was alone in the room but heard voices coming from outside the door.

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