chapter six

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chapter six - "you could be my baby"

he pulled her hair as he was thrusting into her from behind. she had already cum once and was on the edge of her second orgasm.

"mike, please", she was whimpering at his merciless thrusts.

"it's ok baby, let go"

before she could obey his words she was interrupted.

"el! i swear to fucking god, wake up!", she opened her eyes and saw her best friend hovering over her.

"what do you want?", her voice was groggy with sleep.

"it's sunday, we're supposed to go get breakfast with everyone", max was already getting dressed.

"why can't i sleep in", she turned onto her stomach.

"because, you can't be a depressed bitch", max ripped the blanket off of el.

"ugh, god ok i'm getting up"

she grabbed her bag and dragged herself into the bathroom to get ready. max's parents didn't know el was there so she made sure she was quiet. she changed into high waisted light blue jeans that stopped at her belly button and paired it with a cropped t-shirt that hung off her shoulders. she threw on some jewelry and walked back into maxs room to brush her hair.

"hurry up, we're gonna be late", max was ready to go and pacing while el brushed her hair and put on eyeliner.

"you do realize we're meeting up with lucas and dustin too right?", max rolled her eyes.

el finally finished and max pulled her out of the house. they walked to the diner, since max miserably failed her drivers test two summers ago, and by the time they got there el was already tired, due to her lack of doing anything.

mike and will were already in their usual booth when the two girls walked in.

"finally you're here, mike was getting on my nerves", will scooted in, expecting el to sit next to him.

max took el's usual spot while el sat next to mike. will raised his eyebrows in surprise but decided against saying anything.

after the waiter had already visited their table three times to ask if they were going to order, dustin and lucas finally arrived.

"we're so sorry, we slept in", lucas scooted in next to max, and dustin next to el.

"i've never seen mike and el so close together", dustin stole will's water and took a sip.

"mike and el have been a lot closer than that", max spoke under her breathe.

el rolled her eyes and tried to kick max under the table. either nobody else heard max's comment or they decided not to say anything. the waiter came over and took their orders before a silence fell over them.

"so are you guys friends now?", lucas looked skeptical.

"sort of", el shrugged her shoulders.

"what does sort of mean?", dustin paused what he was doing to insert himself into the conversation.

mike looked at all of his friends then looked at el. she noticed his hesitance and spoke for him, "we're dating"

will spat out his drink and quickly cleaned it up. lucas just stared at them blankly before dustin started laughing.

"you're joking right?"

they were all staring at mike and el, waiting for a response. el smirked and sipped her chocolate milkshake.

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