Chapter 4

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                               ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅My wolf wanted out, my dragon wanted out, and my powers wanted out

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My wolf wanted out, my dragon wanted out, and my powers wanted out. The urge to just let loose overwhelmed me the following days. Kai gave me a tour of the castle which matched everything else and then took me to the pack house. There, I met his beta, Andrew, and a few other packmates.

I'm glad he didn't formally announce me as his Luna as he had done with his parents, because, as I was told, the Crescent pack was the largest of the ones throughout the world. I just assumed he mind linked and the word was passed on. I could always tell that my wolf liked Kai, though he always wanted me to be busy. I always got time with him, but never alone.

Something about it irked me, so I made it my mission to do something about it.

My opportunity came when he had been drinking the previous night at the wedding ceremony that he had attended for another Alpha and Luna. That night, he had fallen asleep right on the floor of our room. Never had we slept together and I was grateful, but when he woke up with a hangover the next day, I knew my chance had arisen.

"Alpha, we need you to secure these borders though, Alpha Linut is on our tails about these rogues." Andrew lay in the bedroom's doorway, staring at his alpha and not making eye contact with me, even though I was the only one looking at him.

Seeing how my mate was unable to respond because of his headache, I looked at Andrew, standing up and blocking him from view.

"The Alpha is resting today. Any patrols can be handled by the pack's gamma. For today, he can take a few wolves to check out the rogues and you can take some to patrol the borders for the morning. If Alpha manages well, he will be down to oversee the tasks done."

I shut the door in his face before he could refuse. When I looked back, I was shocked to see my mate staring at me with mossy green eyes. Most of the time, his eyes were like stone emeralds, but now that we were alone, it was different. He looked at me with a gaze of confusion and surprise, as if he couldn't comprehend what had just taken place.
I felt my wolf jump at the opportunity to actually get to know our mate and couldn't help but chuckle.
"Is something funny?" Kai looked at me with his eyes narrowed slightly, the surprise now gone. I decided to play truthfully.

"I'm sorry, it's just, I find it amusing that our first time alone together is when you have a hangover." Kai looked at me with a not-so-amused expression and I dropped the subject instead of making myself look more ridiculous.

"Anyways, so what's up with all the business and stuff? Always putting me out in public seems like you're avoiding me. Are you afraid to be alone with me?"

Kai seemed bewildered by this and chuckled. It was a throaty sound that rattled my bones and made my wolf go wild with desire. I had to contain her.

"Most women I have known always want something to do because they would rather be moving around rather than sitting all the time. I thought you might like the adventures. Forgive me if I misread you. I always thought adventure does not necessarily have to involve physical movement, though; it can be just as thrilling to explore uncharted mental terrains."

Kai looked at me with the most genuine of looks as he explained himself and I felt myself heat up at bothering him for being busy all the time. He just wanted me to get out instead of being trapped. I was glad he had taken that into consideration. I couldn't help but feel an appreciation for how much he had thought of me and how kind and thoughtful he was, despite my initial perception of him.

"It's fine, I just figured you didn't want to be alone with me." Kai seemed to groan just a bit as he stood up and my heart reached out to him. My wolf urged me to go over to his side and place my hand on his arm. I don't know why but somehow, it seemed like a piece of me moved back into my broken heart in the moments when we locked eyes once again.

"Aisling." My name in his voice was sweet and honey-like. His hulking figure made me feel safe, as though nobody could hurt me, but there was still a big part of my heart that was not complete. And because of this, I couldn't let him kiss me, as I knew we were going to.

"Let's get you up on the bed." I slipped my arms around his waist, heaving myself as I somehow managed to stand him up on both feet.
"Wow, you're strong." I chuckled as I let him fall back onto the bed so that he was sitting and leaning on his arms.

Kai sounded nervous as he spoke. "Come lay with me."
I could feel my own nerves shoot up. While I was struggling to ignore the desire that wafted off the both of us, I knew he was giving in.

"Maybe I shouldn''re still suffering." Kai hesitated and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close.

It's fine," He spoke into my shirt as though talking aloud to himself. Consoling his need to be around me, just as I needed to be around him. "I just wanted to be around you without someone's eyes on us. I didn't think you were much of a touchy person."

But did he know he was wrong? I wanted to feel safe in his arms but I couldn't, knowing damn well that if I did, I would forget who and what I was. I didn't want to hurt him.

"Thank you for being considerate. I'm still getting used to this whole 'mate' thing."
Kai only huffed in the fabric of my shirt as he held me close.
I didn't realize that he had laid down and had me lying at his side until he shifted himself so that his arms were both above and below my figure from the side.

We may not have talked much that morning, but I felt like I knew him so much more now.

Call of the North (Book 1 of the Tribrid Queen Series)Where stories live. Discover now