Chapter 7

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                               ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅When I woke up the next day, I was surprised by how much weight I felt on me

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When I woke up the next day, I was surprised by how much weight I felt on me. Considering I had fallen asleep alone because Kai had been out checking the borders for the sight of some rogues that had been spotted. As a result, I didn't expect anyone to be there. But when I opened my eyes, there was hair.

It took me a moment to refocus my blurred eyes on the figure before me. That's when I saw the unfamiliar figure of a man I had never seen before, right on top of me.

When I tried to scream, I realized now that I had woken up because I couldn't breathe. Desperately, I clawed my way, trying to get free somehow and breathe. However, my attacker held me down. His legs pinned my thighs while his arms were over my neck, restraining my head's movement and ability to move. Struggling in vain, I soon realized this was a fight I could not win; my captor had a death grip on me, and no matter how hard I tried to break free, I was unable to escape.

My wolf snarled inwardly, trying to get control. But I had to push her back. Despite her strength, a wolf pinned exposed her most tender area, which would be fatal if struck.

I could hear the dragon in me struggling for control. However, I'd break the entire building if I tried; it wasn't meant for a large beast like me in it.
My hands clawed at the man's arms and my muffled screams turned into a croak as he placed his hands on my throat, trying to suffocate me. I pointed my hands at where I knew the door was and thought of a quick spell that quickly sent a lightning bolt through the door, trying to alert someone.

"It's time for you to die, you unholy monster. The Seers have awaited your arrival, and the war to come will be at your hands. You must die!"

His thumbs pressed harder into my vocals and I felt my world start to go black. My efforts became weaker and weaker until I couldn't move, and I felt something slide across my neck, leaving it damp and wet. I realized with a sinking feeling in my heart that he was cutting off my air supply, and I was powerless to stop it.


The roar of what seemed like its own monster sounded across the room. I managed to hold onto whatever life surrounded me, trying to pull me out of the black void where my head was trying to go.

The weight off of me brought back a painful but miraculous breath of air that was soon followed by coughing. But not normal coughing.

I coughed up sprays of blood.

My head shifted over to look at where the sudden movement of what looked like wrestling was taking place. The outline of the man that had been holding me was on the floor. He was holding a bloodied hand above his face. Seeing the man below him, Kai looked beautiful with bloody spots on his face and chest. I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration as I watched the man who had just hours before supported me, fight with fearlessness and strength.

It was Kai, and he looked like a beautiful monster.

The moments that followed appeased every part of me. My mate continued to slash at the man on the ground. His fingers had shifted to his wolf's claws as he continued to open and wound the man over and over again.

I felt the blood on me begin to fall down my bathrobe. I could tell I was about to die, but it would have been a happy death, for I had seen the man who cared for me, protect me.

"K-Kai." I managed to choke out, though it left me with a fit of coughing that made my eyes blackout for a moment. When they refocused once again, Kai was above me, tears forming as he cradled my body in his arms. His expression was a mix of relief and fear as if he had both found what he was searching for and at the same time feared the outcome.

"Aisling..Aisling..Aisling." He cooed. I could feel the world shifting as he lifted me up into his arms.

"Stay with me, stay awake." I heard him bark something at someone else as we left. Eventually, I could feel the fresh breeze of air on my skin. Though I wondered why I wasn't being taken to the pack hospital.

My body was heavy and my eyes were heading for the dark void once again. I could feel something wet drip onto my cheeks, one after another until darkness consumed my world. I knew it was Kai's tears, flowing out of him like a river, grief, and sorrow overwhelming me as I let go of my consciousness.

The last thing I heard was the sound of sobbing.

Call of the North (Book 1 of the Tribrid Queen Series)Where stories live. Discover now