Damn it

31 1 0

Y/n 2 person

You sat next to Alastor on the couch. You had thought about it and decided to tell him. Tell him what you had tried your hardest to hide, what you had lied to yourself many, many times about.

"Not completely, Al. I have something to tell you."

"Yes, my dear?"He said, curious, oblivious to the things I felt, what I wanted to say.

"I- uhh- I... I just wanted to tell you... that... I really like your jambalaya!" You stuttered.

"Is.. that all, my dear?"

"Yep! I hope you make it tonight!"

"I was indeed planning on it."

"Okay... talk to you later, Al!" you said as you quickly walked away. Once you were safe in your room, you realized what you did. "Shit! Damn it, Y/n, all you had to do was say some simple words! And you messed it up! Fuck!" You yelled at yourself for your idiocy. All you had to do was say a sentence, and you had failed. At one of the most simple tasks in the world. You threw your pillow across the room and it hit the wall. Suddenly, someone poked their head in the door. "You okay, toots? I keep hearing you yell."

"Yeah, I'm fine, Angel. I'm just having some... issues."

"Hey, maybe I could help! Some people say that drugs help your problems, and I am Angel dust, after all. What's the problem?" He said, sitting next to you on your bed.

"Well, I-um-maybe like someone? And I tried to tell them, but the stupid words wouldn't come out!"

"Well, who is it?"


"Awh, c'mon! Tell me, or I can't help!"

"You wouldn't know him." 

"Fine... be like that. But I still don't like that you're upset, so... how about a girl's night! I'll get Charlie, and Vaggie, and- oh shit! You haven't met Cherri, yet! Oh my god, I have got to get her over here. You're gonna love her, toots!" He said, walking out of your room. At least you would get something you haven't had in a while. You and Addy had girl's nights when you were alive.

Thinking about Addy was way too much. You broke down in overwhelmed tears while you picked up your pillow, shut your door, and crashed onto your bed. You fell into deep and dreamless sleep, knowing it was the only way to escape the chaos of your thoughts.

Rising Flames (An Alastor x Fem!Reader book) SADLY DISCONTINUED ;-;Where stories live. Discover now