The Battle Was Over

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Harry had avoided death for many years. Only after all the Horcruxes were found and destroyed did Harry surrender himself; taking off his invisibility cloak for the last time, he faced Voldemort and greeted death. The Curse struck Harry, instantly killing him; at the same time it fragmented, ricocheted back, striking Voldemort in his cold black heart; they both departed this life as equals.

Harry was dead, Voldemort was dead; no one had won.

The fighting stopped. Bellatrix let out an ear piercing screech, she flung herself to the ground in front of her masters body. As soon as she touched him; he disintegrated beneath her fingers, his ashes caught in the wind scattering him across the castle grounds, painting Bellatrix in black snow.

Hermione was the first person to reach Harry, followed by Ron and Ginny. Everyone else remained frozen, their wands outstretched towards the remaining Death eaters.

'Harry!' Hermione cried, her hand on his chest. She didn't need to check for a pulse, his eyes were wide open; staring at nothing, his life force gone, a mere shell left behind. His lips were pale and his skin was starting to mottle already.

Ron was speechless and Ginny held Harry's hand to her face, crying into his palm.

The death eaters began to flee, they apparated away, one after another; leaving behind the smouldering remains of Voldemort without a seconds hesitation.

Narcissa Malfoy struggled to pull her sister away, Bellatrix reached out to Voldemort; snatching something out of the ashes before finally leaving with her sister.

With the rest of the Death Eaters gone, the giants and other dark creatures started falling back. Wands were lowered when everyone finally realised the battle was over.

McGonagall rushed through the crowd, she gasped taking in the view of Harry's body on the cold hard ground. She gestured for everyone to back away as the audience grew larger. Molly pushed her way through, she knelt down in front of Harry's body, then gently closed his eyes. Molly began comforting Ginny, who let Harry's hand fall to the ground. Hermione looked to Ron, he was lost in his own world; sobbing quietly. Neville stepped forward, still holding the sword of Gryffindor he had used to kill Nagini. He stopped and placed his hand on Rons shoulder.

Hermione's eyes fell to Harry's messy hair, it bothered her. She tried to neaten it, as if that was the most important thing to do in that moment. He must be presentable.

'He looks peaceful,' Luna spoke in a playful tone from behind Hermione.

'Luna!' Hermione spat, outraged by her insensitive remark.

'At least It was a quick death,' she replied. Hermione got to her feet, she wanted her to shut up, to stop speaking. She gripped her wand tighter and murmurs erupted from the onlookers. Luna paid her no attention, oblivious to Hermione's anguish. McGonagall stepped in between them, before Hermione said or did something she would regret, McGonagall took her by the arm and led her away from Harry and the growing crowd.

'She didn't mean anything by it, you know what Luna is like,' McGonagall said, trying to calm her.

'He doesn't look peaceful, what a stupid thing to say... Harry is... he isn't... he isn't at peace! He was murdered!' Hermione said, her words stumbling over one another. Her eyes landed on the rotting corpse of Lord Voldemort. She watched mesmerised by the way he crumbled and flaked apart. He was barely recognisable now.

McGonagall took her in her arms, holding her tightly. Hermione let herself fall apart for only a moment, before pulling away from McGonagall, wiping away the few tears she had let fall. No good would come from her having a breakdown, she swallowed her sorrow, pushing it deep down inside to deal with later.

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