Unbreakable Vow

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Hermione spent another four more nights in the dungeon with only the house elf for a visitor. She was starting to think Lucius wasn't going to set her free. She was bored and restless... if she didn't get out of this dungeon soon, she was going to lose her mind.

Pepper brought her some food early the next morning.

'Misses smells bad,' Pepper said, then clicked her fingers casting an assortment of cleaning spells over Hermione. She looked down at her hands and clothes they were now spotless. Hermione felt sad, it was as if Pepper had removed all evidence that she had fought in the battle. The only signs left that Hermione had fought were the many bruises and cuts that decorated her body. She ran her fingers through her hair, it was still a wild mess of curls, but all the knots and matts had vanished, the grease and grime removed leaving her smelling fresh as a daisy. No one would know she had slept on a cold dirty floor for the past two weeks.

It turned out the cleaning spells were more for Lucius's benefit over her own. He soon arrived in the dungeon, followed by Narcissa. Lucius stood in front of her and Narcissa remained next to the door, as if she were too terrified to come any closer. Lucius scanned the dungeon, tutting and shaking his head.

'Well well well, Miss Granger don't you look... less repulsive,' he said, glancing up and down at her. Hermione resisted the urge to roll her eyes and tell him to fuck off.


'I'm happy to see you have been behaving yourself,' he eyed her suspiciously. 'I can't say I'm pleased with the hold you seem to have over my son,' he said, looking down his nose at her. Hermione clenched her fists. She was half temped to tell him to look in her head for the truth, but something inside warned her against it. If he was keeping her alive, he wanted something from her and she knew it had everything to do with Draco.

'I learnt my lesson,' she said, sounding almost sincere.

'Good, I hope my son punished you adequately for your disobedience,'

'More than adequately,' Hermione lied, letting him believe Draco had any sort of hold over her. Her reply seemed to please Lucius.

'Excellent! Then you wont object to what I want from you, if you know what's good for you,' he told her. Hermione held her breath. She tried not to show how scared she was.

'Go on...' she said. She bit the inside of her mouth. She glanced over at Narcissa who looked equally anxious.

'Your secret relationship with our son will come to an end,' he said.

'Fine!' she blurted out before he could finish.

He held his hand out to silence her. 'You will go public, I want every Witch and Wizard from here to Peru to know that you and my son are madly in love!'

Hermione laughed. 'You can't be serious?!'

'I'm deadly serious Miss Granger, you will be seen together and I need the rumours to spread like wildfire. You can fake a pregnancy for all I care!' He chuckled.

Hermione was looking at him in utter disbelief. 'What will that achieve?!'

'If Harry Potter's best friend... is revealed to be head over heals for a former death eater... It will bring into question Draco's loyalties to the dark lord,' he said, his eyes fixed on hers, boring into her.

'Or people will think I'm a traitor!' she said annoyed.

'No one can dispute the fact you fought valiantly at the battle, aiding in the capture of many notorious death eaters... your loyalties wont come into question Miss Granger, on the contrary. You're a hero!' he said. He flicked his wand and the Daily Prophet materialised in her hands. Hermione gazed down at the image on the front page.

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