The New Order

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When Hermione finally woke, she had no idea how much time had past, it could be hours or days, she wasn't really sure. She didn't even remember what day it was. She hid under her duvet pretending like she didn't need to pee. She was too sad to move, but her bladder forced her from the bed.

Once she was in the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and got dressed in a clean pair of jeans and t-shirt. She forced herself to eat some crackers, not that she was hungry but it just seemed like she should try to eat something.

There was a pile of post by the front door. Most were Muggle mail, but a few were from the Wizarding world. Four letters from the Ministry. She tore them all open. They were all from Kingsley summoning her to the Ministry. Each letter getting less polite in their request. If she didn't show her face soon, they would likely make a house visit. Two weeks and that was the only effort they had made to contact her, she tutted. She slipped her jacket on, grabbed a hat and pair of sunglasses and headed into London.


Despite her disguise, people stared at her and whispered as she walked through the Ministry of magic. She stopped at the giant statue Voldemort had erected, it was still there, but it had been draped in sheets to hide it. She could feel the pain emanating from beneath the sheet, it felt evil. Why hadn't they destroyed it yet? Maybe it was enchanted, she thought. More and more people stopped and stared at her, she was starting to understand how Harry must have felt every time someone gawped at him. She hurried along keeping her head down.

Hermione finally found the floor she needed and she made her way to the Ministers office. Outside she met a kind lady at the reception who recognised Hermione instantly. She offered her an assortment of tea's and had her sit and wait.

'I think you're so brave, you truly are an inspiration!' the woman said before returning to her desk. Hermione ground her teeth, this was not what she had signed up for.

After twenty minutes Kingsley came out to greet Hermione, before she could even say anything he took her hand, turned her to the left and five floating cameras snapped their photo. Hermione was momentarily blinded by the flashes.

'Miss Granger! I am so glad you came, everyone is excited to have you here!' he told her, then gestured to his office. Once she was inside and the doors closed, she dropped the niceties and got straight to the point.

'What the hell is going on? What is with the cameras and why is my face all over the prophet?'

Kingsley seemed unfazed by her outburst. He sat himself down behind his oversized desk and magically pulled a chair out for her to sit.

'I can see this has been quite an adjustment for you, after the terrible loss of Harry, may he rest in peace,' he said, looking pained.

'I'm gone for two weeks... I come back to find I'm the poster girl for the war? When were you planning on telling me?'

'We have tried to contact you,' he said. 'We approved one story with you and the prophet went rogue, as per usual,' he paused. 'We hadn't anticipated your popularity. We hoped that with your absence it might die down, instead it has escalated,'

'Why me?'

'You are a smart, brave young witch who has been through so much, and lost so much... You have overcome prejudice and injustice as a Muggle born, you are what most of us want for the future. If someone like yourself can achieve greatness, then there is hope!' he gave her an impassioned speech, one he had clearly told many people.

'What about Harry?'

'Harry will never be forgotten,' he said sympathetically.

'The Prophet is going to get me killed!'

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