Daddy Dearest

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They slept in one another's arms. Hermione had never felt more adored in her life. She woke up to Draco staring at her, he was playing with her hair, and running his fingertips gently over her cheek.

'Can we stay here forever?' she asked a little groggy.

'I wish,' he said, kissing her hair. 'How are you feeling?' he asked, a hint of concern in his tone.

'Perfect,' she smirked. He squeezed her tighter. She felt his cock press up against her stomach. 'But I can't do that again for a little while,' she said looking down. Draco laughed.

'I can't help that, it has a mind of its own sometimes,' he explained. 'I should leave soon, I'll have to sort things out with my father... if you don't hear from me again, its because he's killed me!' he joked and Hermione's face fell. 'I'm teasing!' he said unconvincingly.

'Meet back here this afternoon? If you want to?' she asked a little uncertain, she didn't want to come off clingy. It's not as if they were actually dating, their relationship was not defined and she wasn't going to bring that up.

'I'll be here,' he promised. 'Remember if you need me for anything urgent... buzz me twice!' He kissed her and rolled her off his arm and got out of bed.

'You're leaving this second?' she asked alarmed.

'I have to piss Granger!' he tutted and vanished. She pulled a face and stifled a laugh. He was back to calling her Granger, she realised and sighed.

When he returned he found her unmoved. 'You should put some clothes on,' he told her. She gripped the blanket around herself, suddenly feeling self conscious. 'I won't be able to resist myself otherwise... and I don't want to hurt you,' he said. She smiled and a flush of pink spread across her bare shoulders.

'Do you want me to clean you up?' he asked, looking down at the blood stained bed. Hermione turned crimson. She hadn't even noticed. He kissed her forehead. 'It's normal!' he whispered in her ear. 'I'll go attempt to make us some breakfast, and I'll leave you to... sort yourself out,' he offered. She nodded vigorously.

As soon as the door closed, she flew out of bed, grabbed her wand and cleaned her bed and herself of every liquid. Then she got herself dressed. She was amazed at how sore she felt still, to walk, to sit to cough... it stung. She wondered if there was a potion she could take to help? She needed advice, and not from Draco. She thought of Ginny and decided she would be the best person to ask about contraceptive potions, she was a lot more experienced with boys than Hermione was. Once Draco was gone, that's where she would go, she decided.

Hermione joined Draco in the kitchen, he was searching the cupboards looking for food.

'Save yourself the effort... I've nothing in worth eating unless you're partial to a Ritz cracker?' She laughed.

'You can't live like this, you need an elf!' he said shaking his head.

'Where exactly would I put said elf? You have seen the entire house Draco, it's two up and two down. We have no elf quarters or dungeons. There are no hidden wings I'm keeping secret from you,' she said, with a giggle. He looked unimpressed. 'This is pretty standard for muggles,' she reassured him.

'It's barbaric,' he told her, only half joking. He could never live like she did.

'Oi! That's my people you're talking about. Some of them are as rich as you... But as you can see, I'm not one of them,'

He took hold of her hands and brought them to his lips.

'I should go,' he said looking somber. Hermione hugged him. She was worried too. Her throat still hurt from where Lucius had strangled her. They had both suffered Lucius's wrath, he seemed to be fond of strangulation as punishment.

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