Chapter 2

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December 10, 2010 at 2 AM, Quebec City, Quebec: Rob

I am not usually one to complain quite this much, but this hotel Wi-Fi is just downright awful. I am still in awe of the fact that I didn't get pinged to death during the recording session because this... This is a whole new level of hell. When you have to wait fifteen minutes for a YouTube video to finish buffering, you know you are doing something wrong.

"Come on Procyon, you can do it, baby. Just a couple more videos and you can take a well-earned rest while I edit. Okay?" The laptop continues whirring, that irritating little circle of lines still spinning in the middle of the video frame. "Please?" The second-to-last bar on my Wi-Fi indicator disappears and I sigh in defeat. "Fine, fine. We can do it now. You are such a crybaby." I pause the video and minimize it before clicking on my editing software to get started on the footage from earlier, reconnecting my little Asus monitor so I can see both editing windows fullscreen. I had spent the last three hours catching up with my social media accounts, mourning my bank account, and stalking TBNRfrags on YouTube. This last mission had taken significantly longer than I had expected and I still can't really tell you anything new about him. The program finishes loading and I get to work, splicing together bits and pieces from the PVP video and popular memes until I am satisfied. I am a perfectionist and I am not afraid to admit it. If I wouldn't enjoy watching my videos, I won't subject my viewers to them.

'Now, what to do with the other one?' I still have not decided what I am going to do with the ultra-awkward parkour video and I have no inspiration on how to fix it up and make it less painful to watch. 'Was it really that bad?' I shrug and sigh, and I hit the render button for the PVP video and set it to upload on December 17th. Right now, I am leaning toward keeping it just because I am running out of time and ideas for videos to last until the 27th. Family reunions and extended holidays are bad enough, but when they happen at the same time, you go weeks without sleep. I am already getting raked over the coals for missing most of the holidays, but Wednesday the 12th is payday and the best I can do. With only two days left to grind out about twenty videos, my stress level is rising right through the roof. I check to make sure my lovely little computer friend is plugged in to charge and grab my coat, deciding to find some dinner while I wait for the Wi-Fi situation to improve. If nothing else, I could come back and sleep until the coffee shop opens and go do my research on their network.

I check my wallet for my room key card and quietly shut the door behind me, careful to leave the lights on so any potential thieves will think I am still keeping watch over my precious Mac. Even the hallway is cold, and I shiver a little as I walk toward the stairs to go back to the lobby. What a shame we can't just /hub like in Minecraft; it would save everyone so much time. The doorman nods from behind his portable TV and I wave as I head out the door to the nearby diner, grabbing a copy of the morning paper on my way out so I won't look like a complete mental case staring into space at the restaurant. For a split second I wish that one of my friends lived close-by but, then again, that would just cause more unnecessary drama.

'I look like I'm homeless.' I snort as the full meaning sinks in.

'But you are homeless.' I brace myself against the wind and step out of the doorway, spotting the warm little diner just a couple doors down, the only light on an empty, dark street. I can feel the hard snow crunching under my feet, just soft enough to send little ice crystals into my shoes. I take my time making the trip, knowing that no one will be waiting up for me at the hotel room to question where I had been and why I left in the first place. I guess it's for the better, though. I knew Vanessa's jealousy and possessiveness had been a little over-the-top and I honestly don't miss her much, but the way she left and the things she did still burn me to the core. I make a mental note to check my Facebook again to make sure she didn't create another fake account to harass me with. The last thing I need is to have to try to explain some of her accusations to my parents.

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