Chapter 13

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Severe Trigger Warning: This chapter contains graphic imagery, so if you're easily triggered or if you have a weak stomach, I encourage you to click away. I gave this story an M rating for a reason. Please take a look at the story description for an updated list of warnings.


March 15, 2012 at 7 PM, San Antonio, TX: Rob

"Uggggghhh," Preston moans as he buries his face in the pillow and flails his arms pathetically, his shoulders falling as he lets out a huge sigh. This is only our first day at PAX South and all of us are extremely exhausted, having flown in just this morning from a gaming expo in California. At this point, I'm unbelievably envious of Nooch, the only member of our group who had been too broke to afford plane fare to follow us here. I wish I could be at home, snuggling with small, furry animals and getting on with life as usual. Don't get me wrong – I love conventions – but attending two conventions back-to-back is just too much to handle, even for the indefatigable lava mob. "Ugggggggggggggghhhhhh!"

"Can I help you, kohai?" Preston flails his entire body this time, bouncing on his bed like an angry Magikarp. After a few seconds, he stops and turns his head a few centimeters to look over at me, one dark eye peeking out from the dent in the pillow.

"I need noms. Buy me food."

"Buy your own food. You've made more money this week than I have. Where's all of your t-shirt money?" This is not the answer he wanted because he gives another pitiful flail and turns to stare at me with both eyes this time, his face slightly flushed. Although I'm the only one who can tolerate Preston for hours upon hours, I am beginning to think that sharing a room with him for three days may have been a mistake. I've never seen him act so stilted and uncomfortable before.

"Plz senpai. I fan. Love me." We lock eyes for a few seconds before I sigh and set my phone down on my bed next to me, ensuring it's locked before I leave it unattended.

"Fine, but next time, you are paying. This is draining me dry, Perston." I slowly stagger to my feet and shamble over to the door, watching him behind me in the mirror as I leaf through the stack of brochures and advertisements to find the room service menu. When I finally find it, I slowly return to my spot on the bed to find that he has flopped over onto his back, his eyes following me as I move. There are times when Preston is easier to read than a large print book, but today the book is written in invisible ink in a language I don't understand. It feels like he's holding something back, like he's waiting for something. He seems uncertain, even nervous, but this is so unlike him I must not be reading him right. Does sharing a room with me make him this uneasy? "What do you want?"

"Hmm?" He blinks and his eyes snap away from my face, his arm coming up to rest on his forehead while his other hand beckons for me to hand him the menu. I feel my eyebrows shoot up and I hand it over, resting my aching feet on the end of his bed while I wait. The way he's been acting today is strange even for him and it's starting to worry me. "This stuff sucks. What else is there?"

"Unless you plan on going to get it, nothing. My ass isn't moving from this bed until I can feel my feet again." I scoot back up to my spot at the head of the bed and rest my back against the headboard, his eyes still following my every move. "What is it going to be?"

"I want Five Guys. We always get Five Guys. Can we get some real food? Please?" he whines as he leans around the gaudy lamp on the table to show me his best pouty face. If this guy was any more adorable, he would exist only in anime.

"Are you going to carry me there?"

"Frick no."

"Then I'm not going. There is no way in hell I am going to hobble downstairs, pay for a cab, and pay for both of us to eat. It just doesn't work that way, Plebston."

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