Chapter Three

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  "You're cruel!!!" Yona yelled, flopping over the table in her lounge.

  "Princess..." I said patiently, "perhaps-"

  She cut me off by sitting up and continuing her rant. "You're too cruel, Su-won! How could you believe that lie?!"

  Hak stood behind her, staring at the wall and not looking especially pleased that he was the first person Yona had thought of for a lie. "You're the cruel one. You're also a nuisance."

  "General Hak, not you too..." I pleaded, standing in a corner and banging my head against the wall. I looked over at Min-soo, who was sitting beside Princess Yona, trying to calm her down with tea, silently pleading him to say something to them.

  The four of us had been in here for an hour already, after I made an excuse to Su-won, that the princess was due for a kimono fitting for her birthday, and that she was probably also tired and wanted to rest.

  It was slightly terrifying how readily Yona and Hak went along with my lie, which goes to show just how awkward it was.

  "Your marriage may not be a lie after all."

  Oh no... please no more tension and talk of marriage, King Il, Hiryuu-sama.

  Well, at least it got Hak to stop glaring at the wall and Yona to stop sulking for a minute.

  "Huh?" Yona and I asked simultaneously.

  "It would only be natural for you to be betrothed by now," Il explained.

  "No... No!!" Yona denied. "I want Su-won to—"

  "You can't have Su-won!"

  Everyone gasped at the gentle king's furious tone.

  Princess Yona stood up and Min-soo and I reached to stop her, saying "Princess..."

  Yona looked furious with her father. "I won't let you dictate my love life! I'm—"

  "Yona," King Il said, more gently, "I have always given you anything you desired. Beautiful hair ornaments, earrings, a royal villa and flower garden. I'd give you anything that isn't a weapon. But no matter how you wish it, I can't give you Su-won."

  His voice got somewhat harsh again. "You are the princess of the Kingdom of Kouka. The man who marries you will become the next king."

  Wellllllll...... This isn't at all an awkward conversation...

  I looked outside, to see it start to rain heavily.

  "Su-won, is the son of your brother, Yu-hon. He's of royal blood," Yona stated quietly, looking down and clenching her fists in her skirt.

  "True," King Il agreed, "but it is my duty and right as king to choose my heir.

  Yona sounded close to tears. "Why not him? Su-won is a fine man. You're a cowardly king who's too afraid to touch a weapon."

  I was about to step in and admonish her for being rude and selfish, but then figured I should stay out of it.

  It was no longer any of my business, but instead a royal- no, a family matter.

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