Chapter Six

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  "Black Dragon..."

  I squinted around at the darkness enveloping me. I was still unconscious and my mind was groggy from the effects of the sleeping dart.

  "Black Dragon..."

  "Who's there?" I asked into the darkness.

  "Now isn't the time to be sleeping. Hiryuu is in trouble!" the voice urged. "You must hurry to his side immediately!!"

  I rolled my eyes. "You're Kokuryuu-sama, correct? Is the Hiryuu that you're talking about the princess?"

  "Who else would I be speaking of? This 'princess', as you call her, is the reincarnation of our master, Hiryuu."

  "I know that. I just wanted to confirm it. You say she's in danger? What sort of danger?"

  The voice hesitated for a moment. "It is... Hard to explain... But, I can show you."

  "How? I can't even see you, much less YonAAAAAA!!!" I broke into a scream as a strong breeze swept me out of the darkness and to the scene of a battle.

  "Look," the voice — the Black Dragon — urged me. "You're king is in grave danger!! You must wake and help her!!"

  I looked down at the cliff below me (I was currently suspended in mid air over a valley, which wasn't helping my breathing) and saw hundreds of Fire Tribe soldiers surrounding General Son Hak and Princess Yona.

  As I watched, Hak slashed away an entire row of them, picked up Yona in one arm, and used his glaive to leap onto a higher ledge. The two started running, but Yona tripped over an arrow and fell to the ground.

  Another arrow came straight for her, though, before it hit her, Hak shielded her with his body, causing the arrow to lodge in his back.

  My heart seized for a moment as I saw my (sort of) friends run into hiding, being chased by soldiers. I desperately wanted to go down there right then and kill every soldier and General Kan Su-jin's son for attempting to kill the princess.

  Unfortunately, I wasn't actually there, and was actually asleep in the mountains, or else I would have done exactly that.

  After a few minutes of silence, the dragon spoke up again. "See?" A large shape materialized in the air beside me, and I turned to face the pure black dragon.

  She was much larger than me, but I could tell that she was small for a dragon god. Her scales were midnight black and glimmered in the light, her eyes gleaming purple and green, just like my own.

  Kokuryuu bared her fangs at me. "You. Must. Wake. Up." She annunciated each word with a deep growl. "Do you wish to see Hiryuu die?"

  I bared my own fangs, rather pitiful replicas of hers, at the dragon. "No. But even if I wake up now, I'm too far away to be able to do anything to assist them! They're in the Wind Tribe, correct?"

  Kokuryuu nodded her head reluctantly.

  "Guess where I am! In Earth Tribe territory, probably in your brother's village because his warrior's descendants knocked me out and took me somewhere."

  She growled menacingly. "I never really liked Hakuryuu's warrior that much. Gu-en was always a bit disrespectful to our elder brother Hiryuu. Stands to reason that I wouldn't like his descendants much either," Kokuryuu grumbled to herself. She sighed. "No, I suppose you are correct, little hatchling. Human legs, even enhanced by my blood, are too small and weak to be able to cross such a distance quickly."

The Black Dragon (A Yona of the Dawn fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now