Chapter Seven

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  A painfully bright light shine in my eyes as I woke up, causing me to groan in pain.

  "Ah, you're finally awake, are you?"

  I bolted upright in surprise at the male voice.

  That was a bad idea, as I immediately got dizzy and felt a splitting headache.

  "Whoa, whoa! Calm down!" the voice ordered, gently pushing on my shoulders to get me to lay down again.

  Too tired and in too much pain to resist, I lay down and reached up to rub my head. "Owww."

  "Careful. You've been unconscious for a day. The doctor recommended that you not move for at least fifteen minutes after you wake up."

  Since I was laying down, my headache eased enough for me to open my eyes again and look around me.

  It looked like I was in a small room with a window on at least one wall. Outside, I could see the branches of a large tree and clear blue sky. Leaning against the wall beneath the window, I saw my swords, bow, and quiver of arrows.

  A flicker of motion in my peripheral vision alerted me to the source of the voice.

  It was a young man, with pure white hair and blue eyes. He looked to be about five to eight years older than me, and quite a bit taller. (Though, that might just be because I was on the ground and he was kneeling beside me)

  With the sunlight from outside shining on his face, he sorta looked like an angel right then.

  Actually, I got the feeling that he always looked like an angel, no matter the time.

  "Who—" I broke off, coughing. "Who are you?"

  No, I can guess who this is. After all, I do feel a strong tugging sensation in my stomach.

  Wait... That's not the same tugging I usually feel from the other dragons...

  I bolted upright again and reached for my mouth as I gagged and almost threw up.

  The man leaped back in surprise.

  "Are you all right?!" he exclaimed.

  Geez, is this guy really my dragon brother? Of course I'm not ok, White! I'm literally ready to vomit.

  What I said instead was, "I... will be... probably." I kept coughing, trying hard not to gag again.

  "Who exactly are you anyway?" he asked. "And what were you doing in our territory?"

  "Traveling. Not necessarily trying to find you, White, but I guess it still accomplishes part of my goals," I replied. "As for who I am..." I looked straight at him with my heterochromic eyes and smiled slightly. "I think you know exactly who I am, Brother."

  His pure blue eyes widened in surprise and he gasped. "You're... the Black?"

  "In the flesh." Or rather, in the scales. Haha, sorry. Dumb dragon pun. I apologize.

  I felt a twinge in the back of my head and thought I heard a female voice say, Goodness, Little Warrior. Did you hit your head or something? That really was an idiotic 'pun' as you call it.

  I winced. Sorry, Kokur— I mean, Ko. I'm just a bit feverish from being knocked out, I guess.

  Suddenly, I was engulfed in a tight hug.

  "Eep!" I exclaimed in surprise.

  "Ah! My apologies," the White Dragon said, releasing me. "I simply never really thought that I'd actually ever meet any of my dragon brothers. Or... Sister, I guess..."

The Black Dragon (A Yona of the Dawn fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now