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Thor's hand threatened to wrap around your face and crush your skull like the shell of an egg.

The beat of your heart quickened.

Cold sweat ran down your spine.

You tried to crawl back on all fours, but it took barely two movements before your back hit one of the pillars.

Thor pulled a face.

A warning growl revealed that he was about to lose his composure again. The alcohol clouded his senses.

Again he turned towards you and stretched out a hand as big as a bear's paw. Surely it held the same amount of strength. If not more.

Holding your breath, you couldn't help but freeze.

"Halt!", a quick shadow suddenly slapped Thor's hand away.

Struck by surprise, you flinched.

And even Thor seemed taken aback.

His eyebrows knitted together in anger. Teeth flashed between his red beard.

But the anger quickly faded as he realised who had come between him and you.

"Heimdall.", the voice of the God of Thunder, revealed how little joy he had for his brother.

With a disgusted look on his face, Heimdall wiped the hand on his clothes with which he had slapped Thor's blood soaked arm away.

"Are you finally done being a fat drunk?", he asked his brother in a teasing manner. "Gather yourself! You're being a shame for the Allfather."

His eyes jumped over his shoulder for a brief second to have a look at you.

Shimmering pink met your trembling (E/C).

The beating of your heart still hammered inside your chest.

The air burned inside your lungs.

"Thank you!", you gasped and got back on your feet. "My apologies, lord Thor. I should have introduced myself before fondling your boot like that."

You bowed your head as a way to apologise.

Scowling, Thor growled.

His eyes regarded you for a moment. It seemed like he didn't know what to do with you.

Then he shrugged his shoulders and turned back to his brother.

"You are as vain as ever, you fucking twig.", growled the God of Thunder and made a movement as if he wanted to slap him.

Nimble as the wind, Heimdall dodged it.

He was so fast that you thought your eyes were playing tricks on you.

Cautiously you dared to approach the two gods, but remained standing behind Heimdall. You didn't want to risk anything.

"I take my duties as son of the Allfather seriously. Unlike some brainless piece of trash.", Heimdall growled, looking at his visibly drunken brother with so much distaste that you almost felt sorry for him.

With an indifferent snort, Thor shrugged his shoulders and fished a tankard off the floor that had not yet completely run out.

"What does it matter?", he asked, more to himself. "The Allfather is unsatisfied either way. I might as well drink."

"If only you would do something else than drink."

"Mind your own business!", Thor smashed the tankard on the table with such force that it fell apart between his fingers.

Mead poured everywhere.

Disgusted, Heimdall took a step back to avoid getting messy.

"For fucks sake!", he hissed. "You are a sick man."

Thor's foggy eyes moved to lock gazes with him.

"One more word and I'll show you.", he promised, his voice as cold as ice.

For the breath of a second, the god of foresight dared to withstand his brothers gaze.

But the longer he did, the less confident he seemed.

After a split moment, his shoulder stiffened and he turned to leave.

"A sick bastard...", he murmured to himself and walked off.

You didn't follow him.

Instead, you took a moment for yourself to have a closer look at the god of thunder.

Thor wasn't much older than Heimdall. Yet, despite being a son of Odin as well, he didn't resemble him in the slightest.

While the god of foresight could have been considered softly looking, the god of thunder was more on the rougher side.

He wore a beard of red and thick hair, long enough to cover his neck. And his hair wasn't braided nor combed but a messy mane of ginger.

But that wasn't what made you wonder.

It was the look on his face.

While Heimdall was obviously cocky and prideful, Thor looked exhausted and beaten.

His breath was heavy, probably from the alcohol and fighting. A reddish shimmer covered his puffy cheeks and nose.

Deep circles darkened his eyes.

Thor looked old, exhausted. Like a broken man.

"Stop pitying him!", Heimdall hissed and stopped in his tracks. "He's done this to himself."

Annoyed, Thor let out a grunt.

His head rose again, but not to glare at his brother. Instead, he met your gaze.

"Leave.", he said in a warning manner.

You tilted your head.

Your eyes wandered over his face.

A low breath made his chest vibrate.

"What are you looking at?", he asked, irritated.

You pointed at your own cheek.

"My lord, you're hurt.", you took a step closer to him, not afraid at all. "May I?"

In order not to further strain his bad mood, you showed the god a cloth that was soaked in herbal oils.

Thor looked at it for a moment.

Then an exhausted grunt sounded.

"If you insist.", he hummed and allowed you to come closer with a gesture. "But be quick about it."

"As you wish.", with gentle care you started to wipe the deep cut that decorated Thor's cheek and made sure that no trace of dirt was left.

Heimdall watched you with an incredulous expression on his face.

"What are you doing?", he asked, annoyed.

"I'm taking care of your brother.", you replied calmly.


You shrugged your shoulders.

"Possibly. But not useless."

Like a small, snobby child, Heimdall crossed his arms in front of his chest. But he did not make any attempt to leave.

Instead, he waited.

Thor smirked with mild amusement.

"Where did you find such a (Y/G)?", he asked in a mocking manner.

Heimdall frowned.

"Such a what?", he asked bitingly. "Annoying? Fake? Disgustingly helpful?"

"So friendly. Kind.", Thor's gaze darkened. "Patient. No one else could stand you. The only one that can like you is yourself. You are insufferable."

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