A/N: 10K reads, Final read announcement!

194 4 1


We actually reached 10K my highest amount ever and I'm so happy. As stated previously up till this point this is the final read announcement meaning anymore reads after this will not be announced via A/N but by clicking on my book here. The next vote is whenever someone new comes across this :)

Also thank you for patiently (Impatiently) waiting for updates but I would like to say something: I don't like being rushed. If it's emergency then I understand the rush but for updates then it's something I don't like being rushed about, writer's like myself (Or one of my kits) has to find ideas and better going with the plot we originally wrote when starting something it's not something you can rush unless nessesary. If you rush things, you loss ideas and if you loose ideas and come up with something that becomes boring then people won't find Interest anymore and move on. That's just solid truth and plain facts really.

However I won't say a new update for this will be anytime soon but updates are still up in my head and no I don't plan on discontinuing this I like this book that has become my newest masterpiece of my writing since being on this app and I'm thankful this received a lot of love. Thank you again.


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