Chapter Six

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Another month has passed and Liam and Harry have finally said 'I love you' to one another. The phrase was a little past due, especially since both men have been in love with each other since about a month into their relationship.

Now, they lay in bed, Harry's head on Liam's chest while Liam runs his hands through Harry's hair. He needs to tell Harry something, something he should have told him two weeks ago when he found out. So he waits for Harry to wake up so he can break the news.

After about five minutes, Harry's eyes flutter open and he gazes up at Liam. "Good morning, sleepy head," Liam says and kisses Harry's forehead. Harry grunts in response but leans up to kiss Liam on the lips anyway. "I need to tell you something, baby," Liam says, kissing Harry's forehead again because he's just that affectionate.

"What?" Harry says in a groggy voice that makes Liam want to flip them over and have his way with Harry. But he was pretty rough last night and Harry is probably sore so he doesn't think that's a very good idea.

"I'm leaving for a business trip, tomorrow..."

Harry sits up abruptly, knocking Liam in the nose. "How long have you known about this?" He asks, not even noticing that he hit Liam.

Liam rubs his nose, "Um, a while...?"
Harry gives Liam the look he always gives him when Liam beats around the bush. "I've known for two weeks," Liam sighs.

"Two weeks?! Liam, you know how I feel when you take business trips!" Harry stands up from the bed and walks to the bathroom, coming out a few seconds later with a toothbrush in his mouth.

"Baby, that won't happen again, okay?" Liam says, referring to the last business trip he was on. While Niall and Harry were home alone, someone broke into the house, not knowing that Liam didn't take the boys with him. Harry freaked out and called Liam in LA, telling him he wasn't allowed to go on another business trip without the two.

"And what if it does?" Harry asks with a mouth full of toothpaste.

Liam sighs and stands up, waking over to Harry to put his hands on his hips. "Harry, I think people learned from last time, yeah? You pulled a gun on the guy."

Harry rolls his eyes. He has a toothbrush in his mouth so he can't really give Liam a smart come back. "Whatever," he mumbles around the toothbrush and turns around to go back to the bathroom.


"Daddy, I don't want you to go," Niall says later that day after Liam told him that he was leaving. Tears spring to his eyes because he remembers what happened last time Daddy left.

"Baby, it's only for a week. I'll be home and then you, me, and Papa can go on a little road trip, okay?" Liam tries to bribe his son because he knows how manipulative his son is with his big, blue eyes.

Niall sighs, "Okay, Daddy." He goes back to playing with his trucks as Harry and Liam lounge on the couch.

"Where are you going? LA?" Harry asks.

"Yeah, I have to meet a new, 'aspiring' artist. Apparently, this girl is from somewhere in Arizona. Ed found her on YouTube and sent me a video. She's good, but I have to see is she's good enough for Liam Payne's label," Liam says cockily, knowing he's the biggest and youngest music producer of the century. Harry isn't complaining, though.

"You better bring us back nice presents. Huh, Niall?" Harry asks, getting the boy's attention.

"Yeah, Daddy! Me and Papa want something nice." Niall gets up from the floor and walks over to Liam. He climbs up on his lap and crosses his arms. "What're you gonna buy us?"

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see..." Liam teases, smiling when his son groans.

"Papa, tell him to tell me!" He whines.

"Baby, he hasn't even left yet. How is he going to know what he's going to buy us if he hasn't even seen what they have?"

Niall contemplates what Harry says before he sighs in defeat. "Fine, you win," he grumbles, moving to get off Liam's lap. Liam pulls him back, though, and begins to tickle the boy's sides. "Daddy, no!" He laughs out, trying to push Liam's hands away. "Papa, help me!" He giggles some more.

"Harry, hold his hands down!" Liam says, giving Harry a knowing look.

Harry does what he's told, holding Niall's arms at his head as Liam blows a raspberry on his belly. Niall nearly screams with laughter, trying to get away from his daddy and papa.

"Stop!" He giggles and begins kicking his legs. Liam and Harry both stop, leaning down to press kisses all over Niall's face and body. He giggles some more, trying to push his daddies away.

"Okay, Harry, I think he's had enough," Liam tells Harry, leaning back to look at his son. His cheeks are red and his hair is messed up and his shirt is wrinkled and risen up, but he looks adorable.

"Daddy, you and Papa are meanies," Niall says, trying to sit up but he's too out of breath.

Harry leans down, pressing a kiss to Niall's lips, "But we love you, baby boy."

And it's true, besides each other, Liam and Harry love Niall more than anything in the world and nothing can come between the small family.



Hey. How you doin'?

*sighs* baby Niall is adorable.

Does anyone have any Nouis or Lirry story recommendations? Nouis and Lirry are my weaknesses. Like, I love them. Or any reaallllly good mpreg with any pairing besides Larry? No one take offense to that, I just can't read Larry. Thank you.

So yeah

Vote, comment, fan, share.

I only got 9 comments on the last chapter and that's really upsetting. Please comment, guys. It means so much to me. I'm not the type of person that asks for comments in order to do updates bc that's kinda rude, but if it comes to that to get some loving, I will.

Again, vote, comment, fan, share.

Love y'all

~~ Gracie

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