Chapter Ten

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Harry is sitting on the couch, Louis in his lap, reading the card the boy made him. He had a small bowl of ice cream, not hungry for real food and he's almost ready to go to bed.

All of his plans fly out the window, though, when his phone rings. Louis hands it to him, so he doesn't look at caller ID when he answers. "Hello?"


"Ni?" Harry shoots up from the couch, giving Marcel a scared look as he walks in the room. "Niall, baby, are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Papa, I need you to come home," Niall sobs and it breaks Harry's heart.

"Why, baby? Tell Papa what happened..."

"D-daddy," Niall chokes.

"Is Daddy there, Ni? Give the phone to Daddy, baby."

"No, Papa, Daddy is hurt," Niall says, finally calming down.

But now Harry is the one panicking. "Oh, my gosh. Niall, what happened?"

"Lady came and hurt Daddy and he won't wake up."

Harry is grabbing his keys and wallet, telling Marcel he'll call him and to meet him at the hospital. "Niall, I'm on my way, baby. Stay on the phone, okay?"

"Yes, Papa."

"Tell me about your day, what did you do?" Harry says, trying to get his and Niall's mind relaxed and calm.

"When I woke up, Daddy was crying in bed but then he made me breakfast. And I colored but I didn't have school because it's Saturday. I watched a movie and played with the dog and played outside..." Niall keeps rambling about what he's done, making Harry smile because he used to be apart of that day.

Soon enough, Harry is pulling up to the gate, typing in the code before he pulls into the driveway. He gets out his car, telling Niall to open the door, before he hangs up.

Niall opens the door and runs into Harry's arms. "Papa," he sobs, clinging to Harry as if he's dying.

"Baby, I need to see Daddy, can you take me to him?" Niall nods, taking Harry's hand and leading him up the stairs. Niall takes him to his and Liam's room (really only Liam's now).

Harry nearly throws up at the sight. Tears gather in his eyes and he runs to Liam, who is tied to the bed. He has bruises on his face and torso, but his boxers are still on, which relives Harry. He first checks if he's breathing, which he is, then he checks Liam's heartbeat, which is slower than it should be.

He calls the paramedics, telling them to hurry because he doesn't know how much longer he has until Liam's heart stops completely. Once he hangs up, he holds Niall and Liam's hand tight, hoping everything will be okay.


Harry is admiring Louis and Niall, asleep together in one of the hospital chairs. It makes him smile, the first smile in a long time. It's been nearly two hours, but the hospital is busy, and he understands.

"Liam Payne?"

Harry stands up, Zayn and Marcel as well, but they stay back. "How is he?"

"He's stable. There were traces of ketamine in his system, which is a date-rape drug-"

Harry gasps, covering his mouth as tears gather in his eyes. "How is he still alive? Can't that kill you in an instant?"

"It can kill you if you take enough. Liam had a very small dosage in his body, which is good. There are no traces of him even being raped, which is very odd, considering this drug was used. He was found tied to the bed, yes?"

Harry nods. "His arms were tied together, but he had his boxers on."

"Do you know who could have done this? It would have to have been someone who could get him to the bed while he was unconscious or lured him to the bed and then drugged him."

"I don't know. Our son was home though, but I haven't talked to him about it yet," Harry trembles, looking over to Niall.

"The police will have to question him. And also you. I'll send a nurse by when the police get here. You can go see Liam now, he should wake up in a couple of hours."

"Thank you, Doctor." The doctor smiles, giving Harry's arm a reassuring squeeze before walking away.

Harry walks down the hall to Liam's room by himself, wanting to let Niall sleep. He opens the door and walks in, bursting into tears before he sits in the chair next to Liam's bed. He grabs Liam's hand, relief coursing through his body when he realizes it's warm.

"Li, baby, I'm so sorry. I should have let you explain and now this happened. I love you so much and I wish I would have stayed. I've been so miserable and I miss you so much. I love you, Li," Harry sobs.

Liam squeezes his hand, making Harry jump. "I love you, too," Liam smiles, eyes still closed.

"They said you wouldn't wake up for two hours," Harry laughs through a sob.

Liam shrugs, finally opening his eyes. "Come home?"


Double update for you. Lucky bitches.

I really shouldn't have done this, considering not that many people commented, but a few asked me to, so I did.


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Love you lots

~~ Gracie

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