"Partners Again?"

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- It's finally time for Park Min's second subject~ SCIENCE!! -

After a few minutes Park Min finally found her science class, so she goes in but feels slightly awkward as everyone stares at her as she enters.. She sees that the only vacant seat is still next to Chang A-Yeong.

"~Why must we be next to each other again!! Teacher pls move me in the next class huhu~" She thought as she sighs and hurriedly went to sit down as she might get scolded for idling around.

"Great, I'm sitting next to you again."- Chang A-Yeong says with a slight frown.

"It's not my fault the teacher thinks I might make a good example to you~" Park Min says in a smug tone.

The teacher walks in and says
"Alright class today we'll be disecting a frog, please pick your partners! This has a high grade."

"Ack I hate frogs.. I don't wanna have to disect one, I might barf.." Park Min says as she stands up to look for a partner.

- Around 5 mins later -

Park Min still hasn't found a partner, they all partnered up with their friends, so Park Min goes up to the teacher and sighs
"Ma'am, Can I work alone?"

The teacher says "Oh you haven't found a partner yet?" she goes to the front and says "Raise your hands if you haven't found a partner yet!" loudly.

Weirdly only one person raised their hands.. And that one person is.. Chang A-Yeong.

"Oh, look over there! Chang A-Yeong hasn't found a partner yet, She can be your partner right, I heard you were also a top student so that you guys are gonna make great partners, I'm sure of it. "

Shocked, Park Min always thought Chang A-Yeong was the type to have people always asking to be partners with her, weird.

"I guess it'll be alright.." Park Min says softly.
She walks to Chang A-Yeong and says
"Sigh, I guess I'll be the partner of lonely Chang A-Yeong" she says in a teasing tone.

"Sure whatever you say Minnie." says Chang A-Yeong with a small grin.

"Did you say something?" says Park Min with a confused face.

"Nope, I didn't say anything, you must me hearing things again." says Chang A-Yeong

"Okay..?" Park Min says.

the teacher hands out the dead frogs to they can start disecting.

One look at the dead frog with its slimy and disgusting skin Park Min starts to gag.

"I feel like I'm gonna barf that looks so disgusting.. I'm sorry" and excuses herself to the bathroom.

- 5 minutes later -
"What took you so long ? Did you fall in the toilet or smth?" -says Chang A-Yeong while laughing

"I thought I felt sick because of the frog, turns out it was just your stupid face."
-Park Min

"Oh shut up and let's just disect this thing"- Chang A-Yeong

They continue to disect the disgusting creature.. ew, as Park Min slices the thing's stomach in order to disect the frog she feels as if someone is staring at her, she looks at Chang A-Yeong to see if she was the one staring at her, and she was, now they suddenly lock eye contact for 5 whole seconds.

Park Min suddenly turned away while slightly blushing.
"~What was that?? So weird~" She thought.

After what felt like a whole year they're finally finished~

The teacher walks around the room rating and judging everyone's work, and now finally down to Chang A-Yeong & Park Min's work.
"Excellent job Park Min & Chang A-Yeong! I knew it was a good idea to pair some bright children, You guys are good partners." says the teacher in a proud tone.

- A few hours later, school is finally over~ -

Seeing as school is finally over Park Min rushes to her dorm to relax and take a cold shower, she opens the door and puts down her things at her bed, she goes to the shower slowly opens the shower door and then

The sound of the shower?

When she opened the door she accidentally saw Chang A-Yeong showering!

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't realize there was a person in the shower!" and quickly covers her eyes, while leaving flustered.

-20 minutes later -

Chang A-Yeong gets out of the shower in her bath robe while her long hair is still dripping.

Park Min just stares while blushing..

"What? Did you see a ghost or something?" says Chang A-Yeong as she saw that Park Min was staring.

"Huh- What- OH! I'M SORRY!" as she grabs her towel and runs to the bathroom to shower as well.

She takes off her clothes and turns on the shower.

"That was so embarrassing! #! #! #! #! #!!! Why did I stare at her! I hate her!"Park Min says while blushing intensely.

- 30 minutes later -

"I can barely open my eyes from being so sleepy huhu" she says as she starts dressing up, weirdly she notices Chang A-Yeong is gone. Quite odd..

She then starts to brush her hair and puts on some skin care products and brushes her teeth before she goes off to Dream Land.

She fixes the sheets for a bit and finally lays down and puts the blanket over her.

* DING *
"A notification from my phone this late? Who is it?" she reads a text from her mother saying "How was school? " she responds "It was alright, we disected a frog." and their conversation continued for a few minutes til she says "Well goodnight mom I'm about to sleep now" and shuts off her phone.
She places down her phone on the night desk next to her and shuts off the lights.

She notices that the moon was beautifully shining brightly than normal.

She starts to doze off..

- 4 hours later -

Park Min is suddenly hungry and wakes up in the middle of the night.
She suddenly feels something heavy on her and smells.. alcohol? She didn't even drink.
She slowly opens her eyes and sees..


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