Hungry Cyclops

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Author's note: I'd like to point out that this has minor vore teasing.

I was grabbed by a cyclops girl about 3 weeks ago. She was about 55 feet tall, very chubby, seemingly has 2 eyebrows, and wears only an animal hide bra and short skirt.

She kept talking about how she was going to eat me. But she hasn't yet. She said cyclops's take a lot of time to digest food, so she doesn't need to eat me so soon.

I'm guessing that meant she was naturally chubby then? Because her belly sticks out a lot. She even pats it sometimes when she talks about eating me, or food in general.

I've actually never seen her eat anything, but again she says she doesn't need to. She has been feeding me lots of food though. Trying to fatten me up so I'm more filling she said. Now her chubbiness made slightly more sense.

When I'm not tied up on a tree, she's holding me in her giant hand, which I've noticed has only 3 fingers. She wraps her fingers around me and holds me close to her face, so I can't run away.

We have a lot of normal conversations together. She says she likes to get to know her humans before she eats them. So she's happy that they'll be together forever. I guess she forgot about the process of digestion.

I told her it was wrong, but she said how humans eat other animals, and didn't see how this was much different.

I'm her property anyway, she says, because I came into the monster forest. There is a sign indicating where it is, but it's kind of hidden.

She tells me her name is Zophie. "Cute name" I tell her. I did actually think that her name was cute. Even though I was trying to make her like me too much so she'd feel bad when/if she eats me. But given she likes to do this with humans it's probably having the opposite effect.

"Hey, Zo'?" That was a nickname I gave her. "Yes human?" She replied. "Have you thought about just keeping me? You know, so I don't have to die."

She thought about it before saying "I guess I could keep you, but . . . you would die of old age anyway. Or you might try to escape, or cheat on me with another human girl or cyclops girl."

I tried promising I wouldn't, but she had many doubts about that. But I was being sincere. I have grown a likeness to her.

I had one final option. Become her boyfriend.

"Zo'?" I asked to chat with her the next day. I asked if she had a boyfriend and she said "I'm not fully sure what that is." This might be a good opportunity. I offered to be her boyfriend. And teach her what it was. Hey, better than dying in her belly.

She was hesitant when I told her girls don't eat their boyfriends. But she said she'll delay my death if I teach her. And spare me if I woo her enough.

It's working surprisingly well so far. The 1st thing I did was braid flowers in her hair. She looked beautiful. 2nd we went on a picnic and ate snacks. Well, I ate snacks, she was saving her appetite just in case. 3rd I sat in her lap near the fire.

I could see she was actually loving the idea of a boyfriend. I had one more thing I needed to convince her not to eat me. But the next day, she said it was time.

"It's time for me to eat, human. Thank you for showing me how boyfriends work." She picked me up and slowly pulls me towards her mouth. Which seems terrifying, but it was perfect for me to try my last thing.

As soon as I was close to her mouth, I kisses her upper lip.

"Uh, huh? What was that?" She asked, clearly confused. "A kiss. It's the last thing I wanted to show you before/if you ate me."

She started blushing, and looked away flustered. "That was . . . kind of nice. Can you, show me that again?"

She held me in front of her lips and I kissed them. I also taught her how to kiss me back. She got it right the 1st time, surprisingly.

It's been 10 days after that and she still hasn't eaten me. But it makes me wonder what she's going to eat then. I guess I'll worry about it a different time. I'm just happy to be alive.

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