Equations Au

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An Au where some of the letter are in equations along with the numbers like f(n) which is recursive and Exclusive function or y=m(x-x1)+y1 which is  Point-slope form, okay enough math talk, this is an Au were- oh forget it you get the point (T>T)D...

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An Au where some of the letter are in equations along with the numbers like f(n) which is recursive and Exclusive function or y=m(x-x1)+y1 which is Point-slope form, okay enough math talk, this is an Au were- oh forget it you get the point (T>T)

An Au where some of the letter are in equations along with the numbers like f(n) which is recursive and Exclusive function or y=m(x-x1)+y1 which is  Point-slope form, okay enough math talk, this is an Au were- oh forget it you get the point (T>T)D...

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-There in a planet called: Planet Z-Score

What the gems do:
+(add/positive sign):
-adds any number
-increases power in other gems if needed

-(subtract/negative sign):
-remove anything from existing
-decrease the power in gem and the body of a letter and number itself

-divides number into smaller numbers, Ex) 6=3

=/≠(equal and Not equality):
-equal(=)- stick anything together and make a new number
-Not equality(≠)- separate the new number into its original forms

<\>(Less and Greater than):
-Less than(<)- track down 5 and below and stick together
-Greater than(>)- track down 6 and Above and stick together

-is going to find every solution possible
- gives out visions of each solution with a consequence in each

Edit: I forgot a^2+b^2=c^2 is Pythagorean Theorem not point-slope, so it The "Pythagorean Theorem Team"

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