Chapter One

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With the bond back in its rightful place, Wednesday and Tyler could draw on each other's strength, healing at an exceptional rate and getting back on their feet in a few weeks, versus a few months. Principal Weems' death rocked Nevermore, with Tyler and Wednesday leaving the hospital early for a day trip to attend her funeral. It had been a beautiful procession, with Weems lowered into the soft ground in a beautiful pastel blue casket with wooden lace trim, as delicate and elegant as the woman had been. Wednesday had even spoken, delivering a eulogy that had the attendees in tears as she spoke about Weems' bravery, her love for the school, and her willingness to die for her students. Wednesday, to her shock, shed some tears as well.

The entire Addams family had been in attendance, and went back to the hospital with Tyler and Wednesday, doting on them and smothering them with praise. Gomez was over the moon at getting to see Tyler again, Morticia was pleased to be able to take care of her daughter again, and Pugsley was alternating between crying in Wednesday's arms and Tyler's. Enid and the rest visited often, meeting her family, much to Wednesday's chagrin. Her parents adored Enid, needling her for every detail of her life and swearing she'd always have a room in their house if she ever needed a place to stay. Wednesday appreciated the devotion her parents had to her friends, but it was embarrassing as fuck.

Enid and Wednesday spent a lot of time together reconciling everything that had happened and explaining their versions of the story. Enid shared her own emotional trauma around the way her pack operated, and the fear of being taken advantage of that had twisted her perception of Wednesday's motives. Wednesday shared the curse of the Raven, and how it had slowly driven her mad with paranoia and isolation. The two of them went over every insult they hurled at each other, reassuring the other that they hadn't meant them and that they'd communicate if they had any real issues with each other. Tyler had been extremely proud of Wednesday for weathering such an emotionally tense conversation, and told her so, over and over. She pretended not to soak up the praise.

After two and a half weeks, she and Tyler were discharged to finish up their school year and pack for the summer. Due to Weems' death and the war, the school year had been cut short and the final exams had been proctored while she and Tyler were in the hospital. Tyler was convinced he'd fail his monstrous history class, but Wednesday studied with him, the two of them spending long hours in Wednesday's hospital room, cuddled up while Wednesday quizzed Tyler on outcast history. He ended up getting a solid B-minus, which Wednesday swore she didn't gush over. She was just really proud of him.

Wednesday's ankle had healed well, the break was a hairline fracture that healed quickly with the added strength of the bond. She was back up and walking around the hospital within a week and a half, and had been kept the extra week for observation. Tyler's various scrapes and cuts had healed well, but some of them had scarred. He now had thin white scars across his cheek from where Laurel had struck him across the face, and his arm had deep pink scars from the knife. The attending doctor who had unwrapped the bandages over that wound immediately had to leave the room to throw up, but in a stroke of luck, none of his injuries were infected. They put him on a ton of antibiotics anyway.

Now, flash forward to two and a half weeks later, Wednesday was in her room in Ophelia hall, packing her stuff up to head home for the summer. Thing was sitting on her desk, watching her fold her clothes up and put them in the trunk. Music played from the gramophone, a sweet sonata she was currently learning on the cello. Wednesday stood and shut the trunk, locking away the last of her clothes before turning to her desk and grabbing another case, packing up all of her writing supplies. The bond flared warm and golden in the back of her mind, and she could feel Tyler the next room over, packing all of his things.

After everything had gone down, Tyler and Donovan met up at the Weathervane. Tyler told her what happened after the fact, talking about Donovan's teary-eyed expression and his confessions of his wrongdoings as a father. They'd talked about almost every aspect of Tyler's childhood, including when Francoise had still been alive. Donovan had spun him the tale of a young normal highschooler meeting a beautiful outcast girl that worked at the local coffee shop, wooing her over the course of several months, and eventually asking her to marry him on an autumn afternoon, near the house that they'd later buy and raise Tyler in. Both the men were in tears by the end of their conversation.

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