nine ; inflorescent

145 7 2

"let's go to the test of courage!"

the arataki gang was in their usual headquarters, eating lavender melons and whatnot as their leader proposed his idea. unbeknownst to itto, however, his gang members weren't really liking the idea. you examined the room, taking in every facial expression you could before making a conclusion. walking up to itto, you patted his head. "the gang doesn't want to." "what?!" he exclaimed, eyes blowing wide. "i'd hate to break it to ya boss but the test of courage is a child's game..." the member shuffled in his seat, playing with a nearby crate. "yeah! mamoru's right! we need something more challenging! the test of courage isn't scary at all!" genta shouted

sighing, you attempted to turn around but a hand firmly grasped your wrist. "y/n! y-you'll come with me right!? and prove that the test of courage is scary?!"

lunchtime. itto has been pestering you – as usual – for the past few days about the courage thing. in his words, "in order to prove it to the arataki gang, we need more people and... and scarier tactics...!" so here you are, asking your friends to join itto's pity party

"please please please come with us! we have a day off tomorrow and its not like any of you have lives to attend to! so come on! tag along! please?"

your desperation could be heard through your words. its not that you didn't want to go but more of if you and itto didn't get any more people, you would end up going together. alone.

the entirety of the tables just looked at you, then itto, back at you, and laughed

"itto! you can't even ask her out on a date correctly?! who goes to the test of courage to confess their love?" said childe nearly choking on his food due to how funny he found the situation

the oni in question looked very surprised, getting defensive quickly. "hey! we're just tryin' to get the gang a little spooked then they'll know how scary it can be! i-i would never confess my love in chinju forest! how unromantic... r-right y/n...?"

you weren't really listening, instead opting for munching on some of thoma's snacks. but you were able to get the gist of what itto was saying. "i personally really love the atmosphere of chinju forest... its quietness is the perfect scene to fall in love! and! i hear there are some really rare flowers there~"

to the rest of the group, it was very obvious you were just teasing him but to itto, that was a real thinker. should i try to romance her? no! we have one goal! but she likes the atmosphere and the flowers... maybe i'll pick some. no! one goal itto, one goal. you cannot let yourself get distracted! operation scare the shit out of people is almost in effect! we must stay focused brothers!

you ended up wandering off while itto was lost in his thoughts, eventually getting lost in your own. in order for people to join, we need someone whose well liked... perfect

two sets of blonde hair and golden eyes caught your view. "aether! lumine!" running over, the twins were taken aback by your urgency. "uh... hey y/n! what's up?" aether was a bit confused and it showed in his voice. "ah! i have a favor to ask of you! i know, i know you get these a lot but i swear this one is gonna be fun!" repositioning yourself, you spoke again

"can you come to the test of courage with us? we're planning on going tomorrow..."

crossing her arms, lumine looked at you suspiciously. "who's us exactly?"

"us is... itto and i! and hopefully that whole group over there..." you pointed just behind you, towards the tables at which your friends were sitting. "well... its not like we have anything better to do... how about we go, aether?" the braided blonde's eyes widened before softening, a cheerful tone leaving his mouth. "lets go then!"

𝗯𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 & 𝗰𝗹𝘆𝗱𝗲 ; a. ittoWhere stories live. Discover now