ten ; butterfly knives and jumping off cliffs

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the haze of chinju forest added to the scare that your first victims were about to receive. rummaging around the lush green grass, you picked up a small rock and threw it at the unsuspecting duo. "thoma... did... did you feel that...?" yoimiya looked around cautiously, thoma simply stared. "feel what?" you and itto both creeped closer to the two, pebbles in your hands. he threw one at yoimiya again. an ear-piercing scream shot through the woods. "ARCHONS ABOVE." immediately turning around to the direction at which the object came from, yoimiya visibly shivered. "someone, no, something, threw something at me." under the blanket of the azure trees, the ghost get-up you two were in swished pass by the two; itto and you tapped on their shoulders, inducing screams from the both of them. you didn't know why they were screaming. you looked stupid. itto looked stupid.

the speakers deep into the forest rung: "the first round of the test of courage has ended. all pairs return to the meeting area to determine the winner."

a fan... a fan in these deep ass woods. you shifted on your legs, attempting to think up ideas with your partner. "in the trees maybe?" he leaned forward, an expectant smile on his face. "what the fuck is a fan doing in the trees?" waiting around for a bit longer, a spark rang through your head. whispering a 'be right back' to itto, you ventured through the beryl forest. walking for a while, an image of green and white caught your vision. just the person i was looking for. approaching the boy, you scanned his figure looking for the blue fan. eyes settling upon it, you asked him a question. "venti, what's the lore behind michael afton?" he perked up, immediately diving into the specifics of the man. while he was ranting, you slipped behind him, grasped the fan, and ran away. luckily he didn't realize, but when he was finished, a small "y/n?" escaped his lips.

running back to your partner, fan in hand, you visibly triumphed. "second round: secured." itto resisted the urge to scream "victory!!!" in the silent forest, instead shaking you spasmodically with a big grin on his face. "okay! let's get dressed and start a-scarin'!" picking up the lusterless white cloth, you threw it over yourself, positioning the eyes briefly.

- - -

"so... in order for a good scare, we're gonna need some costumes! i nominate ghost costumes because they are suuuper cool and scary! plus my horns can come out from the cloth and add to the spook! y'know like! w-wait! imagine this alright: you're in the forest in the dead of night, and someone taps you on the shoulder, you turn around and BAM! a ghost-oni!"

you and itto were at your home, thinking up ideas for the test of courage plan. he let a laugh out, relaxing on the couch, saying the last words for his argument: "and that's why ghost costumes are the way to go!"

getting up, you walked over to the spare closet. opening the door, you elevated your voice so it would reach the oni. "i thought you were terrified of ghosts? what happened?" picking up two tablecloths, the white fabric met the yumemiru wood, as you sat down. "huh?! me? scared? of ghosts?! well... sort of BUT! that doesn't matter! if anything, dressing up as a ghost can get rid of that nonexistent fear of mine!"

"right..." you said, slowly nodding your head. "anyways. i brought spare tablecloths to go along with your idea." lifting one up, it unraveled. "surely this would be big enough for you...?"

- - -

smiling back at the memory, your hand grasped the fabric. that dumbass was surprisingly good at sewing. of course, he stuck himself with a needle a couple times but refused to give up, as he was making a "masterpiece". the ring of your name brought you back from your thoughts, "n/n? are ya' ready to go?" the crunch of the grass under your feet soothed you; you nodded. "yeah!"

𝗯𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 & 𝗰𝗹𝘆𝗱𝗲 ; a. ittoWhere stories live. Discover now