9 Years Ago

10 0 1

*Willows POV*

I leaned against the car window watching the rain fall down. I never wanted to leave this place, I had many good friends especially Zayden, he is one of the greatest friends I've ever had. I never wanted there to be a "last time I'm gonna see him" moment in my life.

But we had to leave this place and move to New York since dad found a better job.

I hate that we have to leave.

*30 minutes earlier*
"I don't want you to go Willow" he told me as we sat on the playground slide. "Im gonna miss you a lot Zay" I try not to cry." I'm gonna miss you too" he says as he gets up and hugs me. His hugs are always the best.
"Now come on let's go play a bit before you leave" he says reaching out for my hand. I take it and we go. We get ice cream and play on the slides and laugh until our stomachs hurt.
"Willow come one we have to leave to the airport" my mom shouts. I run up and hug Zayden for the last time as tears run down my face.
"I love u zay"
"I love you wills"

*present time*
I still can't believe Im never gonna see my friends again.


guys this chapter is very small but it's just a flashback other chapters are gonna be longer.
Thxx for reading!!
Word count:246

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