Chapter 2 "flour fight"

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*Willows POV*
*3 weeks later*
Mrs Smith said I have to tutor Zayden for a while. I really don't mind doing so, he is very cute you know. When I first heard his name I couldn't help but think about the Zayden back from home. But I don't think he's the Zayden.
Me: hey zayden
Zayden: hi should I come now?
Me: yup ill send you the location
Zayden: sounds good

I don't look to good right now I should probably look at least presentable. I put my hair in a messy bun and just wear some Grey sweatpants and Nike black goodie and head downstairs to get everything ready.


He must have arrived already. I run toward the stairs and open the door for him.
"Come in" I say as he crosses the threshold of my house. I walk him over to were I set up everything we're gonna need. "You have a beautiful home" he says as he looks around the kitchen and living room. "Thank you*I say returning his smile." Would you like anything to drink" I ask. "A water would be fine thanks" I walk around the island in the middle of kitchen where we're sitting and head over to cabinets and fridge. I grab a cup and pour some water and hand it over to him. He thanks me again and we start to work. He picks up most of the things pretty quickly I'm kinda impressed. I thought I'm the one tutoring him but instead he taught me a few things.
An hour into our study session I get a call from Poppy.
"Hey girl" she says as soon as I pick up the phone.
"Hey what's up" I answer.
"I need a favor"
"What is it"
"I need you to bake me a batch of cookies"
"What the fuck Peyton that's so random"
"I know I know but I have to go to my grandma's house right now and we have guests coming over and I said I would bring cookies but I can't bake for the life of me so I need you to do it please please please"
"what do I get from it"
"I'll take you and Olivia to the mall tomorrow"
"Alright fine pick them up in an hour bye"
"Bye bitch thanks"
I hang up the phone and turn to Zayden to tell help I'm gonna have to pause our study session to bake cookies for Poppy.
"Look Zayden I have to bake cookies right now I know so random but Peyton needs them it's and emergency so I'm gonna need your help cause I don't really know how to bake" I manage to explain.
"Um yeah sure I know how to bake I can help you" he says while smiling at me.

We get up and I start to grab the ingredients we need to make these cookies. Zayden start to make the dough while I prepare the chocolate chips and preheat the oven.
After We finish making-wait no. After Zayden finishes making the dough since I realized I can only bake a cake. I pour the chocolate chips and we put them in the oven.

As I finish putting them in I turn to face to Zayden and suddenly I'm hit with a face of flour. I look up at Zayden and see that he's burst out laughing. I quickly run over to the bag of flour and grab a handful throwing it to his face. He then throws more at me and break out into a 'flour fight'. After we're done- we'll we weren't done but there wasn't anymore flour left so we had to stop-we look around the kitchen at the mess we made which only causes us to laugh even more.
By the time we're done cleaning the flour of the floor and counters the cookies are done, I take them out and put them on a plate. Just as I finish the doorbell rings and I rush to open it. Poppy says she's in a hurry so she can't stay. I hand her the plate of cookies as I walk her out.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" I question already knowing the answer.
"and I'll take you and Olivia to the mall"
"okay great"
"have fun with your date" she says with a smirk on her face.
"get out of here" I say pushing her out of the door and closing it behind her.
I head back to the living room to see that Zayden is sound asleep on the couch. He must be exhausted, after all today was his first day of his new school.
Luckily today is Friday which means that mom and dad aren't coming home tonight since they spend every friday at my anuts house leaving me with the twins.
I decide to let Zayden sleep for a bit while I head over to the kitchen to clean it.

After I'm done cleaning the kitchen I walk into the living room and see that Zayden is waking up. He looks at me confused "Did I fall asleep?" he asks. "yes you did" I smile at him still standing. "Oh shit we have to clean the kitchen" he says.
"Zayden you've been sleeping for an hour and a half I've already cleaned it"
"you've should have woke me up I could've helped you"
"it's alright, anyway wanna watch a movie my parents don't come home on Fridays and I get kinda bored with the twins alone"
"Um yeah of course"
"Great I'll go make some popcorn and you pick a movie" I throw him the remote.
I head over to the kitchen and make some popcorn, after it's finished I separate it into 2 bowls and get a Grey fluffy blanket. I sit right next to Zayden on the couch and give him his bucket. He picked titanic for us to watch which of course made me happy since I like that movie.


*Zayden's POV*

I look over to my right side to see that Willow is sound asleep on my shoulder. I take the blanket and pull it over her and talk the bowl of popcorn away from her hand.

++++The next morning++++

I wake up in the morning to see that I'm laying on Zayden's shoulder and we're sleeping ton the couch covered with the Grey blanket. I look at the time and see that's it's 6:00 am which is way to early,so I don't bother waking Zayden up I just lay back on his shoulder and fall asleep.
What it was comfy.
++3 hours later++

I walk up again and look to see that Zayden is also waking up which is good because I'm starving and I need something to eat. I look over at him. "I'm starving are you hungry?" I ask him.
"I'm very hungry"
"I have nothing in my kitchen we can eat"
"I can cook something I'm pretty good at that"
"Okay great let's go"
I walk up stairs telling Zayden to wait for me. I go into my room and head to my bathroom and do my business. After I'm done I brush my teeth and hair and head back downstairs.
I tell Zayden where all the stuff are and just sit on the chair scrolling through my phone.
After about 20 mins Zayden tells me that he's done cooking and brings over 2 plates. I take a bite of the bacon and it tastes like heaven.
"this tastes so good"
"thank you" he says while looking at me with a smile.


Okay guys this is a longer chapter but there will be a longer ones I hope you like some exciting things are coming!
thanks for reading!!
Word count: 1302

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