Chapter 3"its My Favorite Book"

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*Willows POV*

After Zayden left it got kind boring, i didnt really do anything i just went up to my room and plugged my phone in the charger and watched an episode of Losy In Space. Its literally my favorite TV show.


About an 2 hours later i get a call from Poppy and Olivia.
"Hey bitch where have you been" i hear the voice of Olivia.
"My phone was dead i just charged it"
"Okay well we are coming over to your house to get ready to go to the mall, last nugjt we were planning but someone was too busy hanging out with a certain someone" poppy teases.
"Oh shut up"
"you will tell us everything that happened and if you dont we will force you"
"alright fine ill tell you when you come"
"open up bitch we're here!"

I hang up the phone and run downstairs, i open the door for Olivia and poppy which ech have a handful of clothes in their hand and a bag full of makeup and skincare. We head up stairs and start getting ready while blasting taylor swift songs. When 'your on your own kid' comes on i get crazy.
We contine singing the song as we get ready.
"Bitches i need help" Olivia shputs from the bathroom."Should i wear this shirt" she holds up a blue shirt with daisies on it"or this one"she holds up a yellow one with lilles on it. "i think you should wear the yellow one" i say and poppy agrees.


When i finish gettinh ready i open up my phone since i havent checked the messages since ladt night. I see 47 messages.
Mom: 5 messages
Dad: 3 messages
Olives: 15 messages
Pops: 15 mesages
Zayden: 9 messgaes

i ignore all the messages and open zaydens ones. I quickly change his name from Zayden to Baking bud.
Baking bud
him: hey hru
him: what u doing
him: i think i forgot my pencilcase at yours
him:mind giving it to me on monday?
him: anyways
him: thanks for tutoring me
him: i had a lot of fun.
him: see you at school
him: bye.
me: hii
me: im sorry i didnt respond
me: ofc ill give it to you on Monday

After i reply to his texts i see that the girls are done. i get my bag and we head out to Olivia's, car. We of course blast music all the way there.

When we finally arrive its 1:23 pm. We quickly park and head right in. We first go to sephora and buy some makeup and skincare,after we finish paying we agree to go to bathh and body so we start heading toward the store.
When we arrive, I quickly head to the lotions. I'm obsessed with them. I start picking up a few lotions and head over to Olivia and Poppy to get their opinion on which on ei should get. After maybe 30 minutes we decide that we've had enough so we go and check out.

"You totally like-" i suddenly bump into someone which makes me stop my sentence. i look up and realise that its Zayden, Greyson and Orion.
"Im so sorry" i say looking up at him.
"Oh dont worry its fine"he replies.
"What are you guys doing here" Olivia says from my side.
"oh we just came here to pass the time " says Orion.
"well join us so you don't get bored" poppy exclaims.
"alright where are yall headed?" Zayden questions while at me.
"We are going to buy clothes and then eat some food"
"alright let's go"

As we're walking, me beside Zayden, Olivia In a deep conversation with Orion and Poppy next Greyson - totally ship them - we spot a cute shop and decide to check it out. Turns out there's a lot of cute things I can't believe we haven't came in here before.
We make the guys sit and wait as we start picking out clothes. I find a cute white floral dress and match a skirt with a crop top. After we pick the clothes we want we head in the dressing room dragging the guys with us so we can have somebody to judge our outfits.
I try on the dress and walk out, I give a twirl for the girls and the boys. "what do you think should I get it?"
"yesss you totally should" Olivia exclaims
"of course" Poppy agrees.
"what do you think Zayden?" Olivia asks while smirking.
"I think you look beautiful" he says and I can't help but blush. "okay great, I'm gonna get it" I walk bag into the dressing room my face as red as a tomato.
After me and the girls finish our little fashion show we head to the counter to check out, the girls of course get distracted and make Orion and Greyson wait for them.
I quickly make my way to the check out before it gets crowded and Zayden follows me.
"Just these please" I say giving the worker a smile.
"okay that'll be 89.78$"she returns the smile." I start to pull out my wallet but before I could Zayden gives her his credit card. "no Zayden you don't have to"
"it's okay" I try to protest but that does nothing.
Once we all finish paying we decide to go to the food court to get something to eat.

We start walking toward the food court. "you remind of someone" he suddenly said.
"I do?" I question.
"yes, i had a best friend before I came here, but she left when we were eight. She moved here actually, I was hoping to see her again someday."he explains
" I had a best friend too before I moved here 9 Years ago"i say. I look up at him and smile.
And then we just walk in silence but not the awkward silence. A nice one.

When we finally arrive to the food court we choose a big table next to a window and order some food. The girls of cousre make me sit next to Zayden which im not complaining about. The boys order so much food i dont even know how they can eat all that, i just order a burger and fries with a milkshake same with oli and poppy.

As we're eating and chatting, Greyson asks Poppy about her parents names which results in everyone talking about their parents, when it comes to me i tell them my moms name. "What about your dad?" questions Orion. I suddenly feel my hands get sweaty and i start to shake. "Im sorry ill be right back" i say as i run toward the bathroom as tears start forming in my eyes.

I feel a hand take my wrist i look back to see Zayden standing with a worried look on his face.
"Willow what's wrong"
"are you okay?"
"What happened?"
"Will-" i cut him off and hug him


*Zayden POV*

I run toward Willow trying to catch up from her. When I catch up to her I take her wrist. I see tears in her eyes.
"Willow what's wrong?"
"are you okay"
"What happened?"
"Will-" I get cut off by her hugging me. I don't ask anything after that I just hug her back and stroke her hair.
After a few minutes she pulls back looking embarrassed.
"I'm sorry" she says wiping her eyes.
"No don't be" I say looking into her eyes.
"I have an idea to cheer you up come on" I say taking her hand. We go to the parking lot where I parked my car, I open the passenger side and help her in. I then go around and sit in the drivers seat. "don't you wanna put some music on?" I question while smiling at her. "I'll put some on what do you like?" she connects her phone to radio. "anything your Pick"
"okay" she then proceeds to put on kill bill by SZA. We sing along to the song as i drive.

*Willows POV*

I still don't know where he's taking me. I texted Olivia and Poppy that I'm with Zayden and that hell drop me off at my house.
"Where are we going!" I ask him.
"It's a surprise" he says excited.
"okay" I smile while at him.
I think I'm in love with him.
What no definitely not.
After a while of driving, we finally pull up to a Barnes and nobles. I look at him a smile spread across his face. "thank you thank you thank you" I say hugging him,his smile just becomes wider. We get out of the car and start walking toward the entrance.
"how did you know I like books!?" I sya the smile still on my face.
"it's so obvious your always reading at school"
"this is the surprise ever thank you so much"
"you can get anything you want"
"wait I can't let you pay, trust me books are expensive"
"of course I'm paying I'm not gonna tka you here and let you pay now am I?"
"okay fine, thank you"

We walk into the store, and it's literally my favorite place. I quickly walk over to the thriller section and see that they have the American hardcover of As Good As Dead. I literally almost scream. I fucking love the Agggtm series especially as good as dead.
"Zayden I have to get this like you don't under stand this is my fav book"
"but don't you already have that one"
"First you remember which books I have that's so cute, second I have the British version this one is different you have to get it for me please" I manage to say that all in one breath.
"get whatever you want"
"thank you thank you" I say hugging him.

I keep looking around for more books and I of course find A lot. By the end, Zayden is joolding about 9 books. I got, Better than the movies, as good as dead, the inheritance games, binding 13 and keeping 13 and some other ones. I think I'm I love with this man.

We head to the check out and of course Zayden wouldn't let me pay.


Took us sometime to post another chapter but here it is. I love Zayden. Anyway if you have any ideas Pease do tell us. We also updated chapter 1, so check it out to see the changes

Thank you for reading 📖 love you guys
Word count:1801

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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