Chapter 1 "First Day"

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*Zayden POV*
Well today is my first day of going to a new school. We moved to New York 1 week ago. I was kinda excited to move because I might see Willow which was my friend when we were younger but she had to move. Ive always liked her and I hope we get to meet again.

My alarm just went off. I got up and went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and hair.
For an outfit I just put on biege cargos and brown hoodie. I then went downstairs to make some breakfast and texted Greyson and Orion. They are my best friends, I met them about 5 months ago when we came on a trip here and we've been inseparable ever since. They go Ravenhigh high school. And that's the school I'm gonna be going to.

Me: hey guys r u up yet?
Greyson: hey man yeah are u ready?
Me: yup
Orion: we are going to pick you up in 10
Me: alright

*10 minutes later*
I see their car pull up in the driveway. I grab my bag and schedule, I put on some shoes and head out.
"Hey guys"
I get into the car. We put on some music while we check our schedules and see what classes we have together. I have chemistry and English with the both of them and music with Orion. After a few minutes, we arrive at the school. It's way bigger in person, it has a huge entrance decorated with plants and flowers, the walls are a dark blue and white color and are very tall.

We gather our stuff and head in, it's about 8:00 am and the bell rings. Turns out we were kinda late. We quickly start heading to chemistry which is our first class. We Walk in and choose some seats in the back. A few moments later,  two girls walk in and sit next us to. One has long auburn red hair and freckles with blue eyes she really reminds me of someone. She than looks at me and gives me a smile, I smile back at her. She starts walking towards us and I just can't keep my eyes of her. Suddenly Orion nudges me and wishers something to me. "someone's got a crush" he and Greyson start laughing.

"Hi I'm Willow" the girl with red hair says with a smile on her face. "Zayden" I reply giving her the same smile. "Are you new?" she questions. "Yeah I am I just moved here"
Suddenly, the teacher walks in and cuts our conversation short. "Mind if we sit here?" she asks pointing to the seats next to me. "oh and by the way this is Poppy" she points to her friend. "Nice to meet you Poppy, we don't mind you sitting next to us."
They smile and put their stuff on the table and take a seat.
The class was so boring I almost fell asleep.
Me Orion and Greyson grab our stuff to head to our next class. I have math while they have Physics. I tell them goodbye and then start to look for my class. As I'm looking down to check the schedule one more since I can't find the class to save my life I suddenly bump into someone. I look down and my eyes meet with Willow. "I'm sorry" I say looking at her. "Oh it's fine are u lost?" she asks. "Actually yeah I'm trying to find math class" I hand her my schedule. She looks at it for a moment and then speaks. "I have math right now you can come with me"
She hands me my paper back. "oh okay thank you" I say as we start walking towards the class.
We pick seats at the back of the class and sit down. Few minutes later, a teacher walks in and introduces herself as Mrs. Smith she proceeds to tell us about the units we are going to be taking. After the class ends she asks to speak to me and Willow. "So Zayden since you are new and arrived later into the school year your gonna need some help to catch up, I was thinking Willow could help you" she says looking up at us both. "Of course I could help him no problem" she looks at me and I nod. "okay then it's settled, now of to class you go"

"Okay so you can give me your number and we could go after school to my house after to study?"
"yeah that sounds great here give me your phone and I can give you my number" I smile as she hands me her phone. I enter my number into the phone and we part ways.

After the school day ends I catch up with Grey and Orion. "hey guys wait up" I shout catching up to them. "Hey man" Orion says.
"so guess what happened" I look at them.
"so Mrs Smith from math said That Willow should help me since I came later in the year, and we exchanged numbers. I'm going over to her house tonight"
"Oh really that's great, so aren't coming over to my house with us" asks Grey. "Nope but I'll come afte don't worry."

                      Zaydens outfit

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                      Zaydens outfit

So guys this is a longer chapter. There will eb longer ones tho, we have great ideas for this story, btw there are to owners to this story.
Thxx for reading

Word count:921

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