|03| Deviation

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Kaeya was greeted by the familiar white ceiling; he must've dozed off for a while because the city center was full of life even though it was Saturday, signaling that it was at least noon.

Kaeya stretched and groaned in displeasure. He was still awfully sleepy from the roar of traffic, which was comparable to a jet engine in terms of decibels. This is why he hated this goddamn city; it has never known peace. It's especially noticeable when you live in a studio apartment right off the main street, which he also hated. It wasn't just that he was awakened by unpleasant noises every morning; he just felt incredibly lonely within four walls.

To be honest, he doesn't even have anyone to put an end to this ordeal. It was mostly his fault because he has always run away so as not to face any consequences which might have resulted from spontaneously choosing one-night stands.

To his surprise, the night before was different. He might be going through a stage of some weird character development-shit because this time, it was him who was left stranded, sitting on the sand.

Kaeya froze momentarily as if his brain were a twenty-year-old computer that jammed when opening Paint.

It wasn't just a dream, right?


He jumped out of bed as if it burned and clumsily grabbed his phone, which decided to explore the aerial world after being thrown up with the blankets.

Kaeya rolled his eyes, aggressively trying to plug in the wall socket to charge his brilliant device and therefore force it to help him with his stalking intentions. Why doesn't anyone ever watch when he does some fucking awesome stuff?

He was one hundred percent sure, two hundred even, that it couldn't be a dream. Dreams tend to be chaotic and lack any logic, and the time spent together with Albedo had none of these characteristics; on the contrary, it was extremely ordinary.

Plus, everything felt so real.

Kaeya could still feel the warmth of Albedo's weeping cheeks as he wiped the blood from his face as gently as he could. Everything about him, his soft-spoken voice, his charming princely smile, seemed so authentic. So human.

On the other hand, however, Albedo himself was the reason Kaeya doubted the credibility of this event. Is it possible to be so perfect? Additionally, would someone like him want to hang out with someone like Kaeya?

Kaeya clicked on the Instagram icon at the speed of light, a millisecond after the phone was charged enough to be used. As he was about to enter Albedo's name into the search bar, it dawned on him how stupid and fruitless his plan might be.

Kaeya, you idiot, finding him on such a massive platform by name alone borders on a miracle; it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Still, he wasn't about to give up.

He dropped to the floor by the charger to make his determined search more comfortable and, therefore, last longer. He will do literally anything to find the boy, who is the subject of all his thoughts from the moment he got out of bed here and now.

He got bored after analyzing the fifth profile.

Kaeya sighed heavily, dissatisfied with the result of his search, or rather the lack of it, and leaned back against the wall. He was screwed. It wasn't what he'd expected, and he hadn't even bothered to make a plan B.

Is it even normal to hallucinate at such a young age? Maybe he was so devilishly lonely that his brain just created someone who swept him off his feet. Unfortunately for him, it wouldn't be helpful.

Night Exile || 𝗞𝗮𝗲𝘆𝗮 𝘅 𝗔𝗹𝗯𝗲𝗱𝗼 𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗻 𝗔𝗨Where stories live. Discover now