Having Rare Gifts - The Cold Hand

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I quickened my pace. My heart thumped loudly. I hated things like this. 

I hated being stalked. I didn't like the feeling one bit. I started running as I heard the footsteps behind me become faster. I ran into the forest, my shoes crunching the dry leaves. I heard the footsteps behind me grow fainter. I ran deep inside the forest for another 5 minutes and then I flopped down on the ground. It was a small clearing, where I stood, and the tress surrounding me making it a circle and the sun's dim rays gave more light here than the rest of the forest. 

I got up and tried to see if my stalker was anywhere close. Suddenly a hand touched my shoulder. 

I jumped and screamed my heart beat quickened and I fell down against a tree. I gasped at the sudden pain on my back like something stabbed me. My staker took off his black hood that he covered most of his face with. 

I saw a guy, around in his late twenties.

"W-what do you want with me." I blurted out as I somehow got up, ignoring the pain on my back. 

He looked at me with no emotion and his eyes scanned me throughly. 

I shivered. What now? kidnapping? rape? 

He looked at me straight in the eye. 

"You have it." 


"I sense it." He growled angrily. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked confused. 

"You know them!" He shouted. There was silence. 

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said stubbornly. 

"You've got the wrong person." I said as steadily as possible. 

He stared at me coldly and I shivered. "We've been tracking your kind of people for 50 years!" He yelled. 

I said nothing. was he talking about my gift? I wished I could close my eyes and fall asleep. Then I would wake up from a dream. But I knew this was real. 

'Should I tell him?' I asked the tree behind me. 

'No.' the tree replied. I sighed. 

Okay then. I wont. 

His eyes windened and I looked at him confused. 

"Well, I don't know what you are talking about." I sadi quickly. Suddenly he smirked. 

"How about a DNA sample?" He said slowly. My eyes widened. 

He took out some sort of gadget from his pocket. It was the size of his hand and it had like a needle or a sharp thing on one end. 

I panicked. "Shh." He said I stepped back getting ready to run. 

"w-what's that?" I asked nervously. 

He smirked. "It won't hurt unless I want it too." He said soothingly. It didn't help. I made a run for it. I was gasping out loudly and I ran into a blur of lots of trees. I didn't know where I was going. I just knew that I was going away from him. 

I need some help. Please. 

Suddenly A branch came in my way. I gasped and stopped abruptly and fell. Your so stupid Annabelle. How could you not see that. I heard fast footsteps nearing me. I panicked. Suddenly the same branch I almost bumped into wrapped around me like a hand and pulled me up atleast twenty feet. I gasped. 

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