CEOs and Business Hoes [4] Easy K for Business

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            Entrepreneurship: one of the many business courses that was forced to take each and every year. But to be honest, it’s probably one of easiest to do well on. Why? For starters, it only takes the brain of a 10 year old to pass this, oh so important class.

            I opened the door to my first period class while adjusting my messenger bag. All eyes landed on me.

            “Could someone tell me why it’s important to be punctual?” the teacher asked the class, clearly trying to point out my lateness, “especially if you are the head of a company.”

            “If I was the boss, I wouldn’t need to be on time because I’d be my own boss, duh!” I retorted.

            A few students laughed but the teacher certainly didn’t look impressed.

            I grinned at the young teacher, “I’m Kylie McKinnon, and it’s actually my first day. I’m guessing this is entrepreneurship with Mr. Ray?”

            “Yes, and that’s not an excuse Miss. McKinnon. How would your company be successful without the punctuality of the CEO?” He questioned my response.

             “I’ll just tell them ‘I’m CEO, bitch. Get stuff done’,” I stated.

            The students laughed.

            “Take a seat please,” he said clearly annoyed.

            “You asked,” I mumble with a smirk on my face while walking to the back of the class taking a seat behind the one person I knew: Clay Sharp.

            “Slut,” a girl said just loud enough for me and the rest of the class to hear. A few people snicker, and a few laughed.

            Clay and a few other guys smirked at me.

            “So as I was saying before, I always like to kick the year off with a 2 month long project,” Mr. Ray started.

            Shoot me now.

            “You will be starting a sole-proprietorship. You will be the boss and all executive decisions will be made by you,” he said with passion, “I’m giving you an unlimited array of choices. It could be anything you want. From selling a good or a service; whatever you think will make the most profit. But you will be responsible for all aspects of the business, from marketing, to human resources to the finances. I’ll be giving you this whole class to brain storm. Get going.”

            Teachers are stupid for giving projects on the first day of school. It just shouldn’t be done.

            “So Kylie, any ideas for your project?” Clay asked facing me.

            “Something easy like... selling chocolate bars,” I responded.

            Clay rolled his eyes, “Like that’s going to get you a remotely passing grade. Mr. Ray already doesn’t like you.”

            “Okay, what are you doing Mr. Overachiever?”

            “Probably a service, I won’t have to spend money to make money,” he grinned.

            “Hum, interesting,” I smirked.

            When someone calls you a slut you can either a) get mad, b) get even, or c) embrace it. By adding choice C and this project together, you get one good business project.

            Clay looked at me with a confused face before turning around.


            As lunch time rolled around, my mind was still locked around forming the perfect business plan. How was I going to pull this off without getting in too much trouble with the teacher? That was the flaw in this seemingly profitable business.

            But who was I going to sit with at lunch was an even bigger question at the moment. My social life with girls at this school was pretty much non-existent.

            “What’s up sis?” Kane said throwing his arm around my shoulder, “How’s Cambridge treatin’ you?” He said while leading me to his table. A few girls glared at me.

            “Everyone hates me,” I stated clearly.

            Kane rolled his eyes, “no they don’t.”

            “Okay, let me rephrase that: all the girls hate me,” I said moving his arm off of me. Don’t want to be giving the girls here anymore reason to hate me.

            “Good thing I personally know a lot of the girls at this school,” his tone of voice hinted at a hidden message; I don't even want to know for that matter.

            “Hey Kane!” A girl at the table said. At first glance, she looked like one of those preppy, student council, straight- A, girls. If anything was even remotely as annoying as students that enjoy coming to school, are these girls. Their school spirit just about tops the list of "people I would gladly throw a tomato at." Now there's a school event I would attend.

            "Ashlynne, have you met Kylie?" Kane grinned as he took a seat beside Nate with the rest of the guys I met last night.

            Her face lit up, "Oh my gosh, you're new here aren't you? Well I'm Ashlynne Laurent, Vice President of Cambridge. It's so great to meet you Kylie! Have you check out our extra-curricular or our varsity sports teams? Cambridge always excel's in sports as well as academics."

            Does this chick really expect me to be all peppy about school?

            "Oh yes, Kylie loves sports. Not only is she an nationally ranked Field Hockey player, but her cheerleading team won nationals three years in a row," Kane gloated. This guy just doesn't shut up.

            "You're a cheerleader?" Nate asked with a smirk.

            "Seriously?! Kylie, that's perfect! Cambridge needs top athletes to keep our ranking of the school. What about academics? I bet you must be good at school if you're Kane's sister,"

            "Um, you could say that,"

            "Ha!" a laugh slipped out of Kane.

            "Shut up!"

            A wave of confusion came on to her face, "sorry, am I missing something?"

            "Oh Kane's just being a douche as usual,"

            "Well if you need anything, I'll be more than glad to help," she beamed.

            "Me too," Nate grinned obviously hinting at something more.  

            "Actually Nate, there is something I'm going to need help with," I said giving him a wink.

            He smirked, "anything you want baby."

            "Today after school if you're not busy,"

            "Well I'll be at the gym working out with the rest of the football team. You can drop by," Nate suggested.

            "Goody, I always wanted to work out with the football team," I grinned typing on my phone. 

            "Oh god," Kane said rolling his eyes.


So the 'I'm CEO, bitch' part was taken from the amazing movie, The Social Network <3 The fact that Justin Timberlake starrs in the movie just makes it that much better. If you haven't seen it, go see. It's not some lame movie about Facebook, it's legit.

and please, please vote and comment? I'm not on wattpad very often, but I would still love feedback.

Have a great day and thanks for reading :)

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