Prologue: Late

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Thhhp.. Thhhhp... ZZng... THhhhp

Barely audible vibrations from a tiny alarm clock echoed against the small room's thin green walls, followed by a sharp 'Bzzng' every passing 30 seconds or so. After a lengthy four minutes of this, footsteps could be heard against old floorboards down the narrow hallway two bedrooms down. The person bee-lined their path straight for the cause of the disruptive noise, which ironically enough, woke everyone except for the person that it was intended for.

Goose-stomping and hard-knocking intended, a small girl who couldn't be much older than seven, noisily groaned her irritation through the door,

"Hey! Vinny! Wake the hell up! You're going to be late."After a few seconds a stir could be heard behind the door, followed by the alarm clock being silenced. Sluggish footsteps, belonging to a certain someone, were making their way towards the small door.

The door handle's lock clicked open, door creaking ajar to reveal a drowsy boy. A lanky, slouching teen leaned against the doorway.His mussed strawberry-blonde hair was striking contrast against his pale skin. Dark bags encircled his muted green eyes.A thin nose decorated with freckles that reached across his face, and a surly expression to greet all who looked in his direction. Yes, he was obviously a morning person.

Vinny rasped his own crankiness down at his frustrated, tiny sister.

"Shut up, Ava, I'll get ready right now. And stop repeating that word. It's bad for you. Plus you'll get me in trouble."

He tapped Ava's shoulder lightly before slamming the door in her face. She gave an annoyed sigh and flipped her chocolate-like hair. Moodily,she made her way back to her own bedroom.

Vinny turned away from the door as well, flinging open his top drawer. He pulled out various articles of clothing to wear for the day, tossing them onto his bed. He then searched for his work shirt.

Vinny glanced hurriedly at the alarm clock, curses spewing from him as he quickly realized just how much he'd overslept. He pulled on a white, long sleeved shirt with burberry elbow patches, and over that he pulled on his work shirt. Entitled to the top right of his work shirt were the engravings, "Baz's Pizza ! We're Happy To Serve Smiles :)", and below that it read Vinny's name. He didn't really have any time to reminisce on how 'wonderful' the attire appeared.

He glanced at the clock as he was pulling on his jeans while simultaneously trying to put on socks. The clock just so happened to read 12:10 and fuck because Baz's Pizza is almost six miles away. Fuck because his shift starts at 12:30. He has to leave now if he wants to return home today with any dignity, pertaining to his name and his employment, whatsoever. After struggling with his clothing, he quickly grabbed the house keys and his phone off the top of his drawer. He flung the door open and rushed out into the hallway.

Vinny stumbled out of the hallway, having fallen nearly four times over various (bizarre) objects in his path. He skidded into the entryway of the door and shoved his feet into the worn pair of converse that lay by the doorstop. After struggling and succeeding to mount his flimsy bike, he made his way out the door. He yelled a quick reminders to Ava to not open the door to strangers. Vinny locked the door on his way out, and was gone in a flourish of muttered curses and skidding shoes.

Vinny rode his way out of the apartment complex hastily, grumbling his annoyance every time he'd been delayed by pedestrians, passing cars or stop lights. At one point he'd subconsciously considered that his day may in fact get worse from here, but instead just continued on his way down the narrowing street. He passed by small shoe stores, large general stores, a suspicious butcher shop stationed beside an old book store, various fast food stops and restaurants, and stopped in front of a small juicy scoops ice cream parlor, that just so happened to be right next to his workplace, to park and lock down his bike on a convenient bike rest.

After locking in his bike down and practically sprinting right, towards Baz's Pizza parlor, he'd realized upon entering and looking across the restaurant's main room and at the hanging cat clock, which hung dangerously low right above the bar, that he was, in fact, seven minutes late.

Oh no.

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