New Year's Greetings

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Leaving a thrumming beat to die at a closing door nearly seemed painful for Vincent, but he would remind himself, while backing away cautiously to take in the thick building, that would this only temporarily be a moment of separation. There were more important errands to fixate on.

He had been invited to a New Year's Eve party by one of his closer-friends, Mag, and had been reluctant to partake in, what he would describe as, 'trivial antics', and Mag gave him a contradicting, and heavily one-sided, choice.

"Okay, you can either spend another lonely night to yourself wallowing in whatever you do, or...."

Maggy held a pout, exaggerating the depressed indents on xis forehead. Xe quickly shed this otherwise convincing facade, sprouting to life with an infectious smirk(something Vincent had to really, really fight against mirroring), hands clamping down on both of Vincent's shoulders. He rolled his eyes as Maggy pressed on.

"You can come with me tonight!" Xe lifted a hand from Vincent's shoulder, only to punch his side when Vincent sighed.

"You're not being fair, have you ever considered how pact it might be? We might as well put the volume up on your T.V. to 100 and give ourselves a migraine now. You really consider listening to a bunch of drunks screaming their hearts out into a mic a 'good time'?" He air quoted with his fingers for added emphasis. Vincent crossed his arms, smug in his argument, but gave an unwilling look of his own. Visiting a karaoke club on the night of New Year's Eve didn't sound like the greatest plan to him.

"Aw, c'mon, it's not the end of the world! Do you really have anything better to do?" Vincent looked down pointedly. He didn't have to visit work on a Friday. He really didn't have anything interesting to invest in tonight, besides listening to his little sister's screeching. He supposed it wouldn't be much different.

With a sigh and a nod, he solemnly agreed to join along with Mag tonight.


He had a grudging feeling that the only reason Mag had chosen to invite him was to harass and corner him into singing. Vincent decided that if it came to that, he'd work his darndest to come back with a shaking retaliation. He made sure to study any possible and popular song lyrics that may be played that night. A knowing, sinking pressure sunk in his gut.

The blinds would rattle under the pressure hundreds of dancing feet created, a beautiful beat that would reverberate against your sternum and through your being. Vincent had been in the midst of a compelling story about a stranger's survival against a beastly coyote, a battle scar tale that Vincent considered an achievement in human interaction, when Mag had approached him with a duty. Well, rather just an empty chip bowl and a request to go on refill-duty.

The rampant party inside the shop, the club itself tiny in comparison to its many roaring guests within , attracted the attention of wandering strangers. Contained chaos is what came to mind, and this made Vincent smile. The expression had been short-lived as piercing scream tore his attention from the passers bys, in time to dodge a stray bear bottle barreling towards his face. He could just feel the quick gust of air as it sailed past his nose. His heart jumped.

The bottle smashed the candle shop next door's window, which spiderwebbed upon the impact, and sprinkled into hundreds of jagged green particles across the sidewalk.

A rageful impulse filled Vincent, the par insulted him and it was late enough for human instinct to give in. His instincts.

"Watch it you damn pricks!" It was a bulky black truck, a fresh coat of wax made Vincent wince at the reflective gleam it shone into his eyes whilst it passed him by.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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