chapter 77

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"The world is mysterious and yellow, the universe is prehistoric..." Sheng Li held Xia Tian's hand and wrote a thousand-character essay stroke by stroke. Xia Tian wanted to learn, so he naturally devoted all his attention to it, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes focused on watching The direction of the pen, while writing, read softly: "The sun and the moon are shining, and the Chensu is listed..."

Sheng Li was still holding Xia Tian's hand tightly at the beginning. Slowly loosen it a little, and the writing brush has already changed from being dominated by him at the beginning to following Xia Tian's gestures.

Xia Tian hadn't noticed yet that when he was writing, he was following the notes written by Sheng Li. He was afraid that his handwriting would be crooked, and even the tip of his nose would be sweating slightly.

It is late autumn now, the little fox is obviously not hot but nervous, Sheng Li smiled slightly, he slowly let go, picked up the brocade handkerchief beside him to wipe off the sweat for Xia Tian, ​​Xia Tian also Sheng Li didn't realize that he had let go, his lips were pressed into a straight line, he was concentrating on writing, and even tilted his head, making an indistinct moan from his throat: "... um, itch... "

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized that Sheng Li was no longer holding him. Xia Tian shook his hand in shock, and saw that an ink point was about to be stamped on the paper. Fortunately, he had been practicing for a long time now, and he almost instinctively flicked his wrist. To mention it, he bent a hook up.

This time he didn't dare to write anymore, he put his pen on the pen mount, and turned to look at Sheng Li, "Why did the master let go?"

Sheng Li put one hand on his back and the other on the table, motioning Xia Tian to look behind A row of words, "Xia Xia has written very well now."

When he spoke, the corners of his lips were slightly curved, and his heart was full of praise for his little fox. The warm yellow sunlight fell on his face through the window lattice, and in an instant It was as beautiful as a god. Xia Tian looked at it in a daze, but he didn't read the words as he said. Instead, he leaned over and kissed the dimple at the corner of Sheng Li's mouth, and then lowered his head to look.

Sheng Li was so moved by Xia Tian's actions, but seeing that the little fox had a long-lasting look, he said happily: "I wrote the same as the master!"

Sheng Li had also found some copybooks for him from past masters, and let Xia Tian choose whose font he wanted to copy. Unexpectedly, the little fox looked at them one by one, and finally raised his head cautiously and asked him: "Can you?" ...Can I learn from Master?"

Xia Tian's appearance is extremely magnificent, when he looks at a person, he is so focused that he seems to be the only one in the world, his face is full of expectations, as if as long as the other person nods, For him, it is the happiest thing in the world. Such a little fox looks at you, how can someone refuse you? What's more, Sheng Li never refused Xia Tian's request.

Therefore, in the calligraphy practice, Sheng Li first wrote the calligraphy to be practiced every day, and then Xia Tian followed suit. The little fox is not stupid, on the contrary, he can understand a little bit, so he quickly learned the shape of the characters Seventy to eighty percent, and being taught stroke by stroke while holding hands like this by Sheng Li, the characters he writes are almost the same as Sheng Li's.

Xia Tian was delighted, he picked up a pen and wrote the names of the two people again, looking at the shape of the characters, it seemed that it was really written by Sheng Li, Xia Tian looked at it, picked up the pen and added a love heart, and framed the names of the two people in the frame Among them, he looked at the words and giggled, stretched out a finger and tapped the back of Sheng Li's hand on the table, and deliberately moaned and said, "Master, tell me, can I write well?" If Sheng Li dared to say no, he would immediately bite him.

Sheng Li laughed, leaned closer and rubbed Xia Tian's hand lightly with the tip of his nose, and said, "You learned the calligraphy from me. Should I say my calligraphy is good or not?" "Of course!" Xia Tian said

. He said quickly, and then whispered embarrassingly: "What about me?

" The exaggeration may be due to the free and easy nature. Compared with Sheng Li's sharpness, Xia Tian's handwriting is a bit more elegant. Looking at it makes people involuntarily relax, and it is indeed worthy of a "good word".

After Xia Tian was praised, he felt satisfied. He raised his face to look at Sheng Li, with a trace of uneasiness in his expression, "Look, master, I, I just didn't understand at first, but in fact I didn't understand These can be learned."

Sheng Li was still listening to him with a smile in his eyes, but his breathing was slightly stagnant

when he heard the words. He was silent for a moment before he said: "Xia Xia, are you afraid?" After going through the trials of two small worlds, he seems to realize only now that there are still so many things he doesn't understand.

It's probably because in this small world, his identity is different from what they do. It's not that he doesn't know the rumors that "King An favors the princess and hands over all the power to him", but he is not angry when he hears it. On the contrary, he was a little worried. He had only a half-knowledge of many things that Sheng Li did, and he also had a close relationship with Jiuhua Pavilion. Because of his limited vision, he was unable to participate in most of the major events related to Guozuo.

Sheng Li and Zhao Yuanbai didn't shy away from him, but they wanted to teach him. Every time Sheng Li made a decision, he would carefully tell Xia Tian the reasons and considerations for his decision afterwards, and try to guide the little fox to encounter similar things next time. It's time to call the shots.

But Sheng Li didn't expect that the little fox would feel worried because of this. Was he worried that he wasn't doing well enough?

Xia Tian would not lie to Sheng Li, he nodded guiltily when he heard the words, the more he participated in it, the more he would realize that the affairs in this small world were complicated and every step of the way, of course Xia Tian could also say that he didn't like it. If he didn't want to do it, Sheng Li would definitely not insist on it, but he wanted to work harder, even if he could share a small matter for Sheng Li.

This is the owner he found with great difficulty, so he naturally wants to cherish it well.

However, Sheng Li took advantage of the opportunity and patted Xia Tian's butt lightly, and reprimanded half-truthfully: "Next time, if you have any thoughts, you must discuss them with me, and you are not allowed to be alone in your heart." After a pause, he softened his tone again, and said patiently: "Xia Xia, although we are now connected by a Taoist couple contract, and our minds are connected with each other, we can let each other understand immediately what we think. , but we also know that we can't hide it from the other party and think about it ourselves, right?"

Xia Tian nodded again and again, and came to three small worlds one after another. He has also seen all kinds of human beings, and he naturally knows that there are indeed some lovers in this world who will separate because of inexplicable misunderstandings and even hate them for life. He has a dowry and can follow Sheng Li Keep going, but they are not willing to spend their time on such things, wasting time for nothing.

"You have done a good job," Sheng Li comforted him in a low voice, and looked at Xia Tian seriously, "Does Xia Xia know what happened when I first came to the small world?" Xia Tian only vaguely listened to

Sheng Li. As I mentioned a few words, when Sheng Li arrived in the first small world, he happened to encounter an assassination. He had no memory at that time, and no one around him could believe it. There is nothing wrong with showing in front of people, otherwise it will be a disaster.

"When I read the company's financial statements for the first time, I couldn't even understand words like 'year-on-year' and 'month-on-month', and I didn't know the numbers. It's like an encyclopedia."

Xia Tiancai didn't like the owner being evaluated as "stupid", even Sheng Li himself couldn't say that, "But the owner is so good, he learned it all at once. It's over."

"Silly Xiaxia, there is nothing in this world that can be achieved overnight." Sheng Li said that he was almost living with a stopwatch, and he only took one or two hours a day to nap, and the rest of the time was spent absorbing everything else. The knowledge that should be known, back then he thought he had amnesia, and he didn't have much sense of belonging to that small world, and his life was routine and boring, and he even thought about throwing it away all the time, until a reckless young man blocked the elevator door , asked him if he knew himself.

"I'm doing this now because of you. If you don't like it, then whoever becomes the emperor and whoever wants to fight for the world is meaningless."

Once such words are said, there will be nothing to make Xia Tian feel distressed.

Sheng Li saw that the knots between his brows and eyes had dissipated, and he felt relieved. The little fox he raised was really delicate and cute, and because he couldn't solve his own troubles, he tried his best to learn to be him. Things he was not good at, he was so wronged that he was about to cry just now, but he only comforted him, he seemed to have acquired some kind of treasure in the world, and he laughed so hard that his whole body looked like it was made of honey.

He couldn't help teasing and said: "Why are you having a childish temper again? You don't want the prince's face anymore?"

This is what they said two days ago when they went to Jiuhua Shuyuan in the mountains to discuss matters with the master of Jiuhua Pavilion, because they chatted for a long time Some time later, the pavilion master left the two of them to rest in the mountains for a night. The servants of Jiuhua Pavilion asked them what they wanted for supper. Sheng Li originally wanted to say a dish of braised chicken drumsticks, but Xia Tian didn't want Xia Tian to rush ahead of him. A plate of peanuts and two bowls of porridge.

Sheng Li was puzzled, but the little fox didn't mention food accumulation, no matter how much he ate at night, he could sleep peacefully. Hearing them praise us for our great bearing, like immortals who don't eat fireworks..."

Sheng Li couldn't help laughing, "Immortals can't eat chicken legs? After that..."

"Go back to the palace to eat!" Xia Tian quickly defended, and whispered: "Eating only chicken legs is like a child, and it will lose the face of the prince."

I didn't expect that there was a plate of stewed chicken legs in the end. According to the servant, the pavilion master ordered it himself. If you can only eat light food and eat more meat, you will not be hungry at night."

Xia Tian immediately straightened his back, put on the prince's airs, and said, "I'm an adult now, so I won't cry like a child."

Sheng Li looked at him like this, if he was the prototype of a little fox At this moment, he must be raising his head high, as if he is not close to him, but that big fluffy tail will definitely be wagging from side to side, just waiting for someone to touch him soothingly.

Sheng Li couldn't help but like the childish side he occasionally showed now, so he pulled a lock of hair hanging down from his forehead behind his ears for him, and was about to speak when someone from the courtyard reported that he was invited by a noble concubine from the palace. The two children went to the palace to talk about their daily life.

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