chapter 181

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  For the forest rangers, even if they knew that Chu Yu was the mastermind behind the provocation by bringing people to the forest that day, they would not be as shocked as they were when they heard Lao Chen call out the words "Old Sniper".

Who is the old sniper? Those are the people who have guarded the mountain spontaneously for generations since their forest guard station entered Panlong Mountain. If they really want to talk about the care of Panlong Mountain, even they feel ashamed. Not to mention how much the old sniper himself has done for the plants, trees, birds and animals on the Panlong Mountain. The old sniper's father was accidentally injured by an angry poacher in order to protect a group of wild monkeys, and finally died of serious injuries.

It is precisely because of this that the old sniper hates poachers the most. In addition, he is a monkey breeder and understands the spirituality of animals the most, so he also looks down on those who do not take animal lives as their lives. The number of animals rescued here is unknown, so how could it be used by Chu Yu and others, and even set up traps for him?

If it is said that the old sniper was lured by Chu Yu with a lot of money, it is somewhat unbelievable, but I am afraid... he was taken advantage of by someone.

Thinking of this, several people's hearts sank. Before they came to Panlong Mountain, they also lived a life of licking blood. They were not prepared to sacrifice every time they went on a mission, but it was all to protect one side. It's all about tranquility, but now it's all for this "Mr. Chu" to come to them for a mere herbal medicine whose authenticity is unknown, but he even started targeting ordinary people?

"What is the origin of that Mr. Chu? Who is he looking for this herbal medicine to extend his life? He also killed the owl. I think he is not here to extend his life, but to urge his life!" Old Sun kicked the snow angrily. , cursed in a low voice.

"I don't think that group of people are good people, otherwise they would be guilty of acting in such a sneaky way? At the beginning, they sneaked to our forest security station to monitor..." Another team member looked very disdainful, "I want to say, if they really have a legitimate reason not to I have already gone up the mountain? How can I make such a detour, let alone find some herbs in such a strange way, I don't think the injured fox will find herbs for them, it's kind of heart not to kill them!"

Sheng Li didn't say a word, he is not a newcomer to trials after all, he has been dealing with "people" in so many small worlds, he has seen a lot of people's ways and insincere words, but he has guessed a little bit of the truth.

After several team members had vented their emotions, Sheng Li looked at them and said, "I'm afraid the people behind Chu Yu are not simple.

" It is probably not easy for Chu Yu to invite such a person."

Lao Sun scratched his head doubtfully, "Captain, we all know this, and Not to mention anything else, the bunch of benefits that Lin Yongwang promised with empty teeth, ordinary people can't get it at all."

"Yes, since Chu Yu has such a background, the person he is looking for for herbal medicine must be even more unfathomable , since you can get someone to send someone here, you won't be someone who can't see the light." Sheng Li nodded, and while he was talking, he subconsciously looked back at the backpack behind him, and saw the little fox sleeping together. Fu, without any disturbance, continued: "In this case, why doesn't he use his power in the open? Isn't Chu Yu being constrained in everything he does now, except for being unobtrusive, there is no benefit at all."

Listen At this point, several people looked at each other and understood what Sheng Li had said.

Indeed, Lin Yongwang came alone late at night to find someone from the forest ranger, and made a lot of promises, but he was the only one who had contact with the people from the forest ranger from beginning to end, and that "Mr. Except for an unknown name, they don't even know what Mr. Chu looks like.

Taking a step back, even if the people from the forest ranger directly made his actions public, they don't have any third-party witnesses. Even after Lao Chen "joined" them, he lay in ambush for a few days, and he didn't see the old sniper until today .

This "Mr. Chu" picked himself too clean, and all of this showed that Chu Yu and others wanted to cover up. The reason why they did this was probably because the person who was waiting for the medicine could not afford to be ostentatious.

And they are not unfamiliar with this kind of situation, either the person who is waiting for the medicine has a hidden disease and cannot tell others, or the person is already terminally ill, but the situation he is in does not allow him to show his innocence in front of outsiders.

Thinking of this, Lao Sun couldn't hold back, and asked: "Captain, do you already know who that person is?"

Sheng Li shook his head, "I just have a rough guess, Chu Yu's background Deep and deep, but I haven't found out who is behind him."

Even so, this sentence is enough to make a few people feel confident, and everyone in the forest guard team knows that although their captain is in this corner of Panlong Mountain, he is not Really keep your ears out of the window, otherwise it would not be so easy for them to deal with those enemies these years.

Now that even Sheng Li said "I can't find it", I'm afraid it's not that he can't find it, but that he is no longer allowed to look for it.

Everyone thought about it, knowing that tonight they might face a fierce battle, each clenched the guns in their hands, and walked up the mountain with firm steps.

Fortunately, winter has not yet completely entered, even if it is cold at night, they can still bear it. In addition, they are walking fast, so they don't feel so cold when they walk.

On the other side, Lao Chen, Chu Yu and the others dodged far away, only to see the old sniper squatting beside the trap, messing with the night owl, and then slowly backed away after a while, towards them direction.

Several people were lying under the snowdrift, staring at the front in the cold moonlight, and several traps were opened wide, like greedy and weird big mouth fangs, eager to bite their prey.

The old sniper lay silently beside Lao Chen, and the two of them looked at each other, seeing endless meaning in each other's eyes, Lao Chen opened his mouth to ask what the old sniper had in mind, if he was blackmailed by Chu Yu and others , why don't you come to the people from the forest ranger.

But right now is not the time to chat at all, and Lao Chen himself still bears the name of "obsessed with profit and unwilling to be buried", so he just smiled at the old sniper, and said in a low voice: "You are here too."

The old sniper glared at Old Chen, as if he couldn't think of the reason why he came here. For a moment, his expression was both embarrassing and contemptuous. Although he opened his mouth as if to answer him, he didn't speak.

But this scene fell into the eyes of Chu Yu and the others, but it made them smile a little relaxedly - the

old sniper didn't really want to help them, they also knew that the old sniper looked down on them, and now the old sniper Facing Lao Chen made them feel very refreshed, even if they were the rangers who claimed to be the guardians of the mountains and forests? After being trapped by this backward and closed Panlong Mountain for so many years, shouldn't he also be used by them?

Everyone lay down behind the snowdrift and waited for a while, but no animal came forward. Old Chen felt a little strange. You must know that it is not the season to close the mountain. There are many nocturnal animals on Panlong Mountain. What's more, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse tonight. Even when they were on their way here just now, he saw a few wild animals. How come at this moment, one of them is gone?

When Lao Chen set up the traps today, he took a good look at them. The things Chu Yu and the others had were all of the best quality, not to mention the equipment. The night owl that had just been shot down just now was still warm. Could it be that the prey couldn't even attract a wild beast?

But no wild beasts took the bait, Lao Chen was a little happy, he just said silently in his heart, and secretly prayed that the animals in the mountains would smell the smell of this group of people, but don't come here, especially the white foxes in the mountains. The most psychic, but you must hold back your hunting instinct and go far away.

At this moment, out of the corner of Old Chen's eyes, he saw Chu Yu winking at his subordinates, who nodded knowingly, and then turned his body slightly sideways in Old Chen's direction.

Old Chen immediately became alert, with one hand hanging down without a trace, where his usual military thorn was hidden.

Unexpectedly, the other party did nothing else, but raised his hand, stretched out his thumb in his direction, and made a gentle pressing gesture.

"Don't do unnecessary things." The man's voice was extremely low, as if a poisonous snake was hissing.

What does it mean? Did they see it?

Old Chen's heart sank slightly, and he was puzzled, but he saw the old sniper next to him look back pretending to be puzzled, and when he heard what the man said, his face sank and he stood up. He walked in the direction of the bear trap, then squatted down and fiddled with it lightly, before returning to lie down again.

Not long after, Lao Chen keenly heard a rustling sound coming from the woods not far away.

Reminiscent of the old sniper's actions just now, Lao Chen suddenly realized that it must be the old sniper who did something on the trap to make the beast unable to take the bait for a long time, but now he is being pinched by people like Chu Yu The handle was lost, so it had to be rearranged.

Hearing the voice from the forest at this moment, Old Chen felt his heart rise in his throat. He even hoped that it was the captain leading someone over - even though he also understood that this was almost impossible.

The others also heard the voice, and Chu Yu's eyes suddenly burst into light, his hands tightened involuntarily, and he didn't dare to breathe out, only holding his breath and looking at the woods not far away.

Several people had different expressions, but they all cast their gazes in the direction of the woods. The night owl was lying motionless on the trap, and the blood flowing from the bullet hole had already dyed the small piece of land into a dazzling The red color is particularly conspicuous against the white snow all around.

As the moonlight passed, a snow-like white ball slowly moved out from the snow.

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