chapter 70

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Along the way, Xia Tian pestered Sheng Li to ask him how he found Jiuhua Pavilion, but Sheng Li deliberately teased him, as long as he talked about it, he knew it.

When he saw the Jiuhuage student who met them at the foot of the mountain, Xia Tian thought he had admitted the wrong person—isn't that a regular customer in the Hongfu restaurant he often goes to?

Hongfu Restaurant is owned by the third prince. Apart from the delicious dishes, there is another striking point that this restaurant claims to be a place that embraces all rivers and rivers. Students from various factions are allowed to debate morals in the building, which means that they can speak freely.

Xia Tian has been there a few times, but he is not interested in the debates among the students. He only focuses on researching which dishes are delicious. After visiting many times, he met an old man who often took three or two young people to sit on the second floor. Drinking and drinking, adjacent to their private room. Once when Xia Tian was arguing with Sheng Li whether braised chicken legs or roasted chicken legs were better, the old man happened to overhear him. Someone gave the old man a plate of marinated chicken legs and a pot of fine wine.

Both of them have similar tastes, so they became "dinner friends". If they meet, they must sit together to eat and drink, and discuss what new food has been produced in Beijing recently, and this young man It was a person who often followed the old man, called Xie Yu.

After entering the Jiuhua Pavilion hidden in the deep mountains, Xia Tian recognized at a glance that the old man standing at the door to greet him was his "fan friend" - and even the owner of Jiuhua Pavilion's generation.

"I didn't know he was the owner of the Jiuhua Pavilion, so it's useless..." Xia Tian looked at Sheng Li in frustration, and asked in a low voice, "How did the master know?

" I see, the so-called governing a big country is like cooking a small fish - we were all talking about governing the country and governing the court, and you, a little fox, really thought we were talking about food." Sheng Li took off his ear Camellia put it in his sleeve pocket, and said to comfort him, "But Xia Xia is not useless. If Xia Xia hadn't met him, how could I know the identity of the old man?"

Xia Tian was indeed comforted by him. He knew that he was not good at judging people, and all he could do was judge whether others had good intentions for him with the help of animal instinct and dowry. In the fox's heart, what his owner did was right. If he encountered something he didn't understand, he could just ask Sheng Li, and he wouldn't force himself to do anything to prove himself.

The owner of the Jiuhua Pavilion originally talked about the strategy of governing the country with Sheng Li. At the beginning, he didn't know that these two people were King An and Princess An who were said to be miraculous and resurrected from the dead. At the beginning, it was just for the sake of like-minded people in the capital. I was very happy with the scholar; when I learned the identities of the two later, I thought it was the prince who deliberately flattered me in order to obtain the help of Jiuhua Pavilion-this kind of thing has never happened before-but later I gradually realized that this was not the case, and my heart gradually With care.

Learn literary and martial arts, sell to the emperor's family. The old pavilion master thought it over and over again, and finally decided to give it a try. Jiuhua Pavilion is definitely not the best policy to hide from the world for many years. If you keep shutting yourself in the deep mountains and talking to yourself, and don't personally participate in the affairs of the court, one day you will be turned into nothing. The generation of ideal strategy on paper. Compared with the other princes, except for Zhao Yuanbai's help, King An can be said to be weak, but it is precisely because of this that he is more suitable to cooperate with him. At least Jiuhua Pavilion can have a greater say. If it fails in the end, Jiuhua Pavilion will not be suppressed to the point of being powerless.

The two stayed in Jiuhua Pavilion for a day and a night, and when they left the mountain, there were already several disciples of Jiuhua Pavilion following them. They may participate in the civil and military examinations in a few days, or they will follow King An back to his residence to be his disciples and become King An's wings, to help him soar into the sky, and to realize the ambition of Jiuhua Pavilion.

As soon as Xia Tian and Sheng Li came back to the house, the old housekeeper greeted them with strange expressions, as if he was trying to suppress a smile and pretend to be sad, Xia Tian felt goosebumps when he saw it, and asked him to speak directly.

The old housekeeper burst out laughing as soon as he opened his mouth. He endured it, and finally said: "My lord and concubine, the head of the prime minister's house, is gone today!"

"Going?" Xia Tian and Sheng Li looked at each other, " Where did you go?" Could it be that the Prime Minister's wife knew that they had found the He family, so she ran away guiltily?

The old housekeeper said, "Where else can I go? I'm back to the west!"

Before the big wedding, the old housekeeper who was the chief eunuch of Qingyi Palace once sent gifts to the prime minister's mansion for the thirteen princes, and he also knew how mean the prime minister's mansion treated their concubines. Seeing it with my own eyes, I only said to the outside world that it was a lifesaver, but the etiquette was almost comparable to that of the thirteenth prince's birth mother, Duan Guifei!

The old housekeeper stayed in the palace for too long, and he also saw a lot of various secrets, so he secretly speculated that perhaps the current prime minister's wife is not the biological mother of the princess, but this Mrs. He is the former prime minister Sheng Qingyun Chunfeng At one point, the eldest young master was left behind, and he lied about being his son for the sake of his reputation. Of course, this made his wife unhappy, and then bullied him for many years—in short, the fact that the prime minister's wife was not Sheng Li's biological mother really made him mistaken.

It was precisely because of such guesses that when he knew that the prime minister's wife was dead, the old butler felt extremely happy. He was crazy at first and then stupid. This is the retribution for bullying the princess!

But after all, she is also the nominal mother of the princess now, the old butler couldn't be too happy, so he deliberately recalled some sad things, at least he didn't look overjoyed.

"Dead?" Xia Tian and Sheng Li looked at each other, didn't they both say that it was a disaster that lasted for thousands of years? They never thought that the woman who had the courage to poison and helped Sheng Qingsong dispose of the bones of her brother and sister-in-law would die at this time.

Xia Tian blinked at Sheng Li, and asked silently: Do you want to take a look?

Sheng Li thought for a moment, then nodded, "Changing clothes, my lord and I are going to the Prime Minister's Mansion to express our condolences." The Prime Minister's Mansion was

indeed completely deserted, and all the servants at the door were dressed in white clothes to mourn their mother. At that time, they didn't recognize it at all for a while. The imposing man in front of them was the stupid young master who had been rolling in the mud for so many years in the prime minister's mansion?

It was the steward of the Prime Minister's Mansion who went out respectfully to greet him, but when he called out to Sheng Li as the young master, Xia Tian interrupted him and said, "This is my princess, Princess An, not the young master of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

" After a moment of froze, Sheng Li not only did not refute, but called An Wang obediently, Husband, swallowed the words down his throat, and led the prince and concubine to the mourning hall.

Sheng Yue and his brothers and sisters knelt in the mourning hall in sackcloth and filial piety. Seeing Sheng Li's appearance, he immediately turned cold, but after all he was calm and did not act impulsively, but the younger brother kneeling next to him couldn't think of that. Many, the little fat pier rushed straight in the direction of Sheng Li, shouting in his mouth: "You loser! Idiot! You killed my mother!"

All the guests who came to express their condolences turned pale with shock. The guards immediately stopped him. Seeing that his younger brother was pinned down by several guards, Sheng Yue looked a little ugly. He wanted to protect his younger brother, but he knew that Wang An and Wang An would never give him face, so he had to look aside. standing father.

Sheng Qingsong's expression was neither sad nor happy, he was so dull that he didn't look like his loving wife who had been married for many years had passed away. He raised his eyelids and glanced around, and saw that there was silence around him, and then said: "Young son is naughty, he behaved abnormally because of his mother's death, I hope the lord will forgive me."

Xia Tian heard that he only mentioned his own name, and his words were full of disdain for the princess Sheng Li, so he snorted coldly, "The prime minister's words are wrong, I don't have the heart to argue with a naughty boy. , but the young master of the prime minister's mansion spoke disrespectfully to my concubine, and he couldn't even say an apology, is he looking down on the concubine?"

Sheng Qingsong's complexion changed slightly, and he bowed, "I apologize to the concubine on behalf of the youngest son."

See In the eyes of others, it is only a father-son battle. After all, Sheng Li, as the eldest son, had the absolute right to inherit the family property even though he was stupid at first, but the prime minister sent him to the palace and chose him as the princess. The family property of the Prime Minister's Mansion no longer has the right to inherit.

Now that there is such a commotion, it can be seen that King An attaches great importance to this princess. After all, it is the royal blood, and the prime minister has no choice but to bow his head... Everyone has a calculation in their hearts, and they wink with their confidants. This mourning hall seems to have become a venue for their intrigue. There is no solemnity at all.

After that, Xia Tian only went to offer three sticks of incense on the grounds that "the concubine's grade is higher than that of the prime minister's wife, and kneeling may damage the royal power of heaven", and she didn't bow down. Sheng Yue almost gritted her teeth when she saw it. He felt that his mother's death was all Sheng Li's fault. If this person hadn't said some inexplicable words, how could he have asked his mother, and how could he have caused his mother to suddenly go into hysteria, so that she hit the wall and died?

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