Chapter 1: Fei Ling

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I am in love with the human body.

Isn't it simply splendid, the way we are randomly generated? Isn't the fact we are bags made of skin, holding in muscles, blood, nerves, and organs, with bones holding us in place incredible? The brain sending and receiving messages through several wires, getting nutrients from veins that miraculously don't tangle up together. The spine is like a high way for hormones and chemical signals, and the heart is a delivery system for nutrients and your immune system. It's incredibly inspiring how the body made itself in this complex, random, and beautiful way, a machine of chaos and order.

My parents wanted me to be a ballet dancer. Since I was six, they had me in dance classes. I'm quite fond of dance lessons, even if they aren't the path I chose. It's a wonderful way to learn how to command my body in a graceful fashion. Feeling the way my bones move at the commands of my nerves fills me with serotonin, and stretching my muscles keeps them healthy and relaxed. I've gotten so good at ballet that my body feels like it's flying when I dance. The feeling is like paradise.

The world around me melts away as I follow my instructor's commands. The mirror's reflection shows me what I look like as I spin my body and stretch my limbs. My flexible body is put to the test as I curve my back and place my hands on the floor. I kick up my legs and flip over, feeling a thrill rush through me as my feet touch the floor again. The floor is cold and hard, but my body feels gentle and free. The wooden blocks in my shoes make my feet sore, but the euphoria I feel as I raise my arms back into the air is worth it. The confidence I feel as I end my dance with a curtsy and the instructor applauds me is worth it.

"Excellent! I can tell you've been using those stretches I taught you, your arms are much less stiff." The instructor commented as I walked over to her. "Yes, Miss. Lana." I confirmed, nodding politely to her. "Keep it up, kid." Miss. Lana encouraged before calling the next student. I smiled brightly and returned to the crowd, standing with my fingers folded in front of me. The next student stumbles through their moves, making me feel a tad relieved. The fact I'm ahead of everyone else might mean that my teacher won't be too disappointed if I take next week's class off to work on a school assignment.

Ballet is like breathing to me, but... It isn't the only thing I want to do with my life. I am attending school to be a Mortician, a career where I'll truly be able to treat the human body like an art form. My parents don't approve, they find the career path a disturbing one, but I managed to earn enough scholarships after High School to pay for my own education, and found a job to pay for rent and groceries. Thankfully I'm still close with my parents, I simply have to avoid discussion about my career.

After class is over, I walk to my instructor, my peers snickering at me as I walk by them. I always walk like ballet dancing, stepping on my toes and landing on my heel, rather than stepping on my heels and landing on my toes. Even my fellow dancers seem to find it odd that I walk this way even outside of ballet. I don't understand why.

"Miss. Lana," I begin once I'm standing close enough to her. "Yes, Fee?" She acknowledged, turning her attention away from her clipboard to face me. "It's Fei, ma'am." I corrected politely. "On with it, Fei. What do you need?" Miss. Lana asked impatiently. "I'm afraid I'll be missing class next week. I'm behind in some of my school work, I need the day to catch up." I explained. "Fine, but make sure to do those stretches I taught you. And practice the routine when you have time." Miss. Lana permitted. "I will." I permitted, before skipping off to collect my things.


"Mei Mei." I called as I entered my apartment. My keys clang together in a lovely melody as I hung them on their hook and closed the door behind me. A cheerful yipping sounded through the small apartment as I latched the door, and a small black and white shih tzu ran towards me. "There you are!" I cheered softly, kneeling down to catch the dog as she leapt up at me. "Aren't you precious." I cooed as I scratched her fur, giggling as she licked my cheek. "Now, let's make sure you didn't get into any mischief while I was gone." I stated, setting her down and standing up.

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