Chapter 3: Mundane Struggles

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     Even with an invitation to attend a magic school, the alarm clock rings as it usually does. I sigh heavily as Mei Mei barks at the clock, and slowly push myself up. I giggle as Mei Mei licks my face. Once I'm sitting up, I stroke her fur and turn to reach the clock on my nightstand. I turn off the alarm, and turn on the radio. A talk show host talks about the weather while Mei Mei leaps off the bed and runs to the door. "Patience, patience." I tell her as she whines and scratches at the door.

     I shake my head at her as I pick out some clothes. Then, I pause and look over at the scratch marks she's leaving. I'm going to have to repaint that door soon... then again, will I have to worry about that if I'm leaving in a few days? Maybe, I might have to sell the apartment... No, I'll be considered dead. The landlord can take care of that for me.

     With a nod, I close my dresser and make my way towards my bedroom door. Mei Mei spins in circles as I open it, and I giggle as she bounds out of the room. "Alright. I'll take you for a walk, and then we'll come back here, I'll shower, get dressed, have breakfast, and then I'll head to work." I decide as I get out her leash. Mei Mei runs to the front door and starts scratching at it, causing me to sigh. "You're going to make life a lot harder for Samuel, aren't you?" I asked, referring to my landlord.

     After hooking Mei Mei's collar on, grabbing doggy bags, and putting my keys in my night gown pocket, I pull on my shoes and head out the door. Yes, my nightgown has pockets. It's also covered in cartoon cats eating dumplings. It's really soft too, and reaches past my knees so I don't have to worry about wearing it in public. Jealous? You should be.

     I pass by some neighbours as they discuss arrangements for when their sister comes over. They pause their conversation to greet me, and I smile and wave at them while Mei Mei pulls on her leash. "Uh, Ni hao Fei." One of them greets, causing me to laugh a little. "I don't speak Chinese, Farrah. My Mom did, but I speak English. I can speak Spanish, though. Hola, como estas?" Fei greeted. "Uh... That's how are you, right?" Farrah asked. "Mhmm!" I confirmed. "I'm good, I guess. My sister's coming over next weekend. I should probably warn you she can be pretty loud." Farrah informed me.

     "Oh, I won't be here next weekend, so that should be fine." I assured her. "Really? Where are you going?" Her roommate, Mary-Anne asked me. "Oh, just somewhere far far away." I replied casually, causing both of them to share an expression. Usually that expression meant people didn't know how to respond to something. "Okay?" Farrah replied as Mei Mei pulled harder on her leash and let out a loud whine. "I have to take my dog outside. I'll see you both later." I told them before heading off. "Adios." I heard Farrah call, causing Mary-Anne to chuckle. "She's definitely... interesting." Mary-Anne commented in an amused tone. "That's one word for it." Farrah sighed, sounding annoyed.

     I do feel a bit of a sting in my chest at their words, but I try to ignore it. I should be proud that people thing I'm... interesting. Better than being boring... Right? Yeah, definitely. Besides. I shouldn't let other people's opinions bring me down. I mean, being interesting is what got me accepted into a magic school. I don't see any of them getting accepted into a magic school.

     I think about this as I step into the stairwell. I hope the magic school doesn't require using an elevator. It shouldn't, since I put on that form that I'm claustrophobic and don't like heights. It's a miracle I've tolerated living on the seventh floor this long.

     When I pass the fifth floor door, someone steps into the stairway and looks at me in surprise. "Oh, I didn't think anyone would be here." They stated. "Elevator's being used and my dog's impatient." I told them, a more convenient explanation then 'I'd rather walk seven flights of stairs than use an elevator.' "Ah, okay. Have a good one." They told me in an awkward tone. I nodded and hurried down the stairs, leaving them to whatever they wanted to do in private.

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