Chapter 2: Application

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(Warning for: Light discussion about death, murder, and suicide)

     I was woken in twilight by Mei Mei barking up a storm. I yawned and pushed myself up, rubbing at my tired eyes. "Mei Mei... Calm down." I murmured. I reached for a bat beside my bed, and climbed out of my comfortable blankets. With my guard up half heartedly, I looked down to watch Mei Mei run in circles. "What is it?" I asked her tiredly. She stopped her rampant spinning and faced the window, growling and showing her teeth. I turned to follow her gaze, and found a black cat with emerald green eyes sitting at my window. The cat seemed oddly familiar... Where had I seen it before? Oh, right. The crest. It had been two days since I received the invitation... Perhaps this was the staff member I had been told about?

I walked over to the window and opened it, allowing the cat to enter. I quickly scooped Mei Mei up before she could attack it, causing the unhappy pup to squirm in my arms. The cat sat on the ground, watching me attempt to calm my dog. I had to set the bat down and sit on a chair beside my bed, place Mei Mei on my lap, and gently stroke her fur. "There there. You're okay." I told her, watching as she slowly calmed down and began to lick my wrist.

As I calmed Mei Mei, the cat closed its eyes, and an indigo coloured glow covered its body. The cat transformed into a tall, terribly skinny man wearing a grey turtleneck sweater under a long black trench coat. When he turned to face me, I noticed he had emerald green eyes and a button nose, with messy greying black hair and glasses. He wore blue pyjama pants and black slippers. A large brown book bag hung from his shoulder, and an amulet hung from his neck and dangled in front of his baggy clothes. It glowed in the dimly lit bedroom, and it had a black mark resembling the eye of a cat.

How incredibly fascinating.

"Now then, are you Fei Ling? If not, I'm afraid I have made a terrible mistake, and shall have to erase your memories immediately." He asked me, his tone soft and nervous. He talked incredibly fast, but his movements were slow as he stretched out his limps. His bones made plenty pleasant cracking sounds as he moved, and he winced but let out relieved sighs when this happened. "Yes." I answered after I finished observing the man. "I am Fei Ling."

"Good, good. I am terrible at memory spells. Once made someone's brother forget his own name. If I had a nickel for each time I had to call someone at the Department of Forgotten Things to get his memories back, I'd never have to work a day in my life." The man rambled with an awkward laugh. "But what if I decide not to go?" I asked him, looking hesitantly at the papers. "Oh, well, then you just destroy the papers. That's my wife's magic. She's far better at it than I am. I'm more of a shapeshifter, as you've seen." He explained. "Your wife is the Headmistress?" I asked, causing him to sigh at himself.

"How rude of me, I haven't introduced myself." He realized, adjusting his glasses. He then offered a bony hand to me, and offered a shaken attempt at a friendly smile. "My name is Arthur Sadler. I am the Vice Principal of Hiraeth Academy, and the Headmistress's husband." He informed me. "You're also the school's mascot." I commented as I accepted the handshake, causing him to blush in embarrassment. He used his free hand to scratch the back of his head, and chuckled awkwardly at my statement. "Well yes, I suppose you could say that. I'm the first face people usually see, so, that's my best guess as to why." Arthur admitted. Once we released each other's hands, he cleared his throat before taking a folder out of his bag.

"Have you filled out the Questionnaire?" He asked. "Yep! But before I accept the offer, I have questions." I answered. "Of course. Most people usually do." He acknowledged, gesturing for me to go on. "Everyone I know will forget I've existed once I accept this offer... Can that be undone should I decide to return to this world?" I asked him. Arthur hesitated, thinking as he tapped his finger against his folder. "Yes, but... it's a difficult and tedious process. You'll have to negotiate with the Department of The Forgotten, which could take months, maybe even years." Arthur informed me. "Hmm..." I hummed, thinking this over.

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