Scarlet werewolf

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♦ David woke up. Not that he had a deep sleep tonight; he felt that even the impact of the feather on water would wake him up. Although, on the other hand, he felt like he had a dream. He thought he heard footsteps and saw a silhouette. So maybe he didn't have as bad sleep as he thought. But he still woke up about three times that night and it wasn't even one hour yet. David grunted and stood up. Maybe if he stretches his legs a bit, he'll be able to sleep. So he started tiptoeing around the room as quietly as a mouse so as not to wake up Lenny, Tony, Robin and the other boy he shared a chamber with. Their former roommate, Tobias, was kicked out of school because he repeatedly missed classes and bullied other students. And so they put Lenny there this year instead. David wasn't happy about it, but he could deal with it. He survived at home with the wild child Erika, so he should be able to handle the wild child Lenny as well. He just prayed to God that Erika, Lenny, Kamila and Diana would not get into trouble. David opened the window to let in some fresh air. The sky was overcast, only the moon was visible. David growled once more. Robin's story about the scarlet werewolf haunted him. At that moment he was looking carefully at the moon. It was a full moon. A cold panic gripped him. "No, no, no." Could it not have been a dream? He quickly ran over to Robin's bed and tore off the blanket. It was empty. David's heart stopped. He opened the closet briskly. Robin's coat, shoes, trousers, scarf, ushanka, gone. When David was dressing, his whole body was shaking. He mustn't forget to take his brooch with him. He took Robin's T-shirt from the closet. He ran out of the chamber, still dressing. He took the stairs three at a time, sometimes four at a time. He ran to the castle door. It was locked in. A weight was lifted from his heart.

He began to go back up with peace of mind. However, he only made it to the first mezzanine until he froze again. One of the windows was open. He squeezed Robin's shirt. "No, Robin." he whispered. He knelt down, placing his shirt on the ground, shaking all over. He placed his hands on top of the shirt. He stammered the magic words a few times until he could say it without stuttering. "Lokatum" A light purple magic circle appeared under the shirt. A glowing ball flew out of the T-shirt. It hovered in place for a moment, and then flew out through the open window. David flew after it. Tears began to form in his eyes. He had to rub them to see properly, but his emotions were faster than his hand. His stomach was tight and he couldn't breathe properly.

Maybe there was something. According to Lenny, there used to be a chimera. David didn't want to imagine what Robin had taken a picture of. Werewolf or another creature? It could have been dangerous. He should have called for help first, but there was no time. The ball won't wait for him and every second counts. David used his powers and occasionally shot a bit of wind from his legs, propelling him forward. However, he could not fly faster than his ball. If only it could fly faster. David shot some wind from his hands at it, but it went right through it and didn't speed it up. How could David think that would work? As if sensing his desperation, the ball began to fly faster. It flew away from the protective barrier around the school, David followed and he couldn't believe it. It flew only a few more meters and began to descend to the ground. David saw a figure marching around a large stone in the middle of a clearing. David was smiling and rushing down. It was Robin, he was fine. David hugged him. "David?" Robin was startled. David kissed him. He was crying. He didn't want to let go. He was so scared. "David, let me go." Robin whispered in a choked voice. He wondered where David had suddenly gained such strength. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?! What are you doing here?" David got angry and gripped his hands tightly in his own.

"I want to prove to you that there is a werewolf out there somewhere. After all, if I want to be a professional rehabilitator of feral humanoids, I must first be able to track them down and catch them."

"You're fifteen, Robin! Crazy! You're going to kill yourself!" He gripped his hands even tighter. Seriously, where did he get this sudden strength?

"Alright, you're right." Robin blushed. "I was just curious; the picture I took looked like a werewolf."

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