!! Summary !!

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You have no idea how long it took to write this :,D

Vroom Vroom - Fluff - Kariage has a motorcycle competition and UA is temporarily closed. Katsuki goes to said competition for his boyfriend and doesn't regret it.

The Sports Festival - Angst, Implied Comfort - Katsuki after the Sports Festival, going through emotions and feelings. He ends up at Kariage's door and is given the comfort & hugs.

"I will always love you." - Angst, Death, No Comfort - Katsuki is visiting a grave. He feels feelings.

Sunsets + Tired Pomeranian = Sleepy Sunsets - Fluff - Kariage drags a sleepy Katsuki out to see a beautiful spot. Looking at the view, Katsuki decides that it was definitely worth it.

Incognito - Crack - Katsuki works a side job at McDonalds. The same McDonalds his teachers go to.. It doesn't help that Kariage never passes up an opportunity to flirt with Katsuki.

Kariage Likes Ice Skating - Fluff, Open Ending - It's snowy and icy, especially on the lake. Kariage takes this as a chance to take Katsuki ice skating.

I'm sorry - Angst, Implied Death, Mild Gore - An accident happens during training and Katsuki takes one last call to Kariage.

How Katsuki Got Fired (From Job No.1) - Crack, McDonalds Worker Katsuki - Kariage likes to mess with Katsuki on the job and well, let's just say people don't take kindly to Katsuki's attitude.

Stupid Bets with Stupid Teenagers - Crack, Mild Fluff - Katsuki loses a bet and has to suffer the slightly illegal consequences, featuring Aussie slander [FYI I'M AN AUSSIE] and many piercings.

I can't hear you, but don't speak up - Angst, Open Ended Comfort, Hearing Loss, HOH Katsuki, Mentioned/Implied Car Accident - Katsuki gets in a car scuffle and is thankfully left unharmed.. if you don't include his hearing. Kariage rushes to comfort his boyfriend.

The Beginning + Confusing Feelings - ? - A look into the beginning of Katsuki and Kariage's friendship, and relationship.

Really Stupid Bets with Really Stupid Teenagers - Crack - Once again, Katsuki loses a bet to Kariage. Following similar consequences, except this time, he has to get a tattoo.

Number One Fan - Filler, Band AU, Slight/Mild Fluff - A look at Katsuki's bands Number One Fan.

Over and Over and Over again. - Heavy Angst, No Comfort, Implied $uic1de, Gore, Death(s) - Katsuki is stuck inside a time loop involving death [is it his or someone elses?] and finally does something drastic that ends both the loop, and something else..

Café Crush - Fluff/Crack - Katsuki has a little cafe crush on Kariage. Turns out, they have a crush on him too.

Magnetic Love - Fluff, AU, Writing Prompt - In a world where everyone is assigned a magnet bracelet, there's one day where the bracelets connect to your soulmate.

History Lessons with Katsuki - Fluff, Slight/Mild Crack, NOT Teacher/Student - Katsuki attempts to teach Kariage history, but something happens and Kariage turns emo.

"I KNEW IT!" - Slight/Mild Fluff, Crack - KariBaku coming out to Katsuki's parents. Their reaction is not what they were expecting, but it's still heartwarming.

Moonlit Roof - Unspoken Fluff(?), Middle School - Kariage and Katsuki meet on the school roof at night and have a moment.

Really Stupid Bets with Really Stupid Teenagers.. The Aftermath - Filler, Slight/Mild Crack, Boring, I hate this one - Katsuki gets caught with the consequences of the consequences of losing two bets.

Bakugou Katsuki is Many Things.. - Character Study(?) - A Study into Katsuki's feelings about many things, one of those being a fellow named Kariage.

Denial - Angst, Implied $uic1de, Denial, No Comfort, Death - Something bad happens to Kariage and Katsuki cannot cope.

A Shady, Weird, Intriguing, Funny, Handsome stranger - ? - The ways Katsuki has known Kariage.

Who Are You? - First Ver. Of The First Meeting, Bad, Filler, I hate this - The First Meeting of Kariage and Katsuki's friends.

The First Meeting - Better Ver. Of Who Are you?, Filler, Slight/Mild Crack - The First Meeting of Kariage and Katsuki's friends. [CLARIFY: Not Kariage's friends, it is Kariage who meets Katsuki's friends!]

Katsuki Spiralled - Heavy Angst, Major Trigger Warning, Depression, Heavy Projecting, No Comfort, Implied $uic1de - Katsuki spiralled into a jumble of bad thoughts and bad actions. [I'm guilty of self projecting after/during a mental breakdown during the writing process of this]

Surprise Bitch - Crack, Dogs Called Bitches - Katsuki gets Kariage a surprise bitch. Literally.

The Sludge Villain - Angst, Slight Comfort(?) - The Sludge Villain + Some Aftermath, basically.

"Why?" - Heavy Angst, No Comfort, Death, 0verd-se, Sm0king/Dr-gs - Katsuki is the one who finds Kariage on the bathroom floor.

CHRISTMAS (1-3) - Crack, Christmas Special - Christmas. That's it. Just Christmas crack.

Happy Fucking New Year - Fluff, Mild P4nic Att4ck, New Years Speical - Kariage and Katsuki go to a New Years Celebration and no, they don't regret it <3

Beauty and The Beast 1/3 - Fluff, Slight/Mild Angst, Feelings - Beauty and The Beast but with KariKatsu/KariBaku

"If you aren't going to do anything but complain, I'll fucking do it for you." - Fluff, Insomnia, Mushy Couple Crap - Kariage has a habit of not caring about himself and Katsuki is fed up with it.

HEADCANON - NSFW, not graphic, headcanon, short, weird, aged up - Just a nsfw headcanon that I cannot get out of my head

For you? Anything. ANYTHING. - Yandere?, Angst, Messed up, Blood, AU, D3ad Bodies, etc - Kariage wants to show Katsuki something. It's just a fun little date surprise...till it's not.

Was it worth it? - Angst, No Comfort, Mentally Unstable, Messed up in the head, Blood, Su1cide, Death, etc - Katsuki is not in his right 

The Sunset and Us - Happy, Joyful, NORMAL for once - Katsuki and Kariage go on a hike and Katsuki pulls out a special surprise...


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