Chapter 6

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 As I sat against the tree, my mind wandered through a labyrinth of memories and anticipations. Each recollection of my mother brought forth a spectrum of emotions – the regret and longing that had shadowed much of our relationship, eventually giving way to love and comfort. These feelings were tangible, almost as if she were there with me, guiding me through the turmoil of my current predicament. The sun had begun its ascent when I first settled under the tree, and now, as it continued its steady climb, I found myself endlessly twirling her wedding ring between my fingers. The ring, a symbol of love and connection, seemed to anchor me to both the past and the present.

Raven had tried to reach out to me when she returned home. She knew the odds of breaking through my introspective shell were slim, but she didn't give up. Instead, she chose a silent show of support, sliding into bed beside me and wrapping her arms around my frame. Her presence was a comforting warmth in the cool night. I knew I couldn't ignore her forever. So, turning towards her, I planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, an unspoken acknowledgment of her steadfastness. Pulling her closer to my chest, I felt her breath synchronize with mine, a quiet harmony in the midst of chaos. It was in this embrace that we drifted off to sleep, finding solace in each other's presence. Waking up before dawn, I carefully slipped out of bed, trying not to disturb Raven's peaceful slumber. The early morning air was crisp as I made my way outside, seeking solitude to gather my thoughts. The decision that lay ahead was not just about Russell's fate, but about the path I was choosing for myself and those I cared about.

Sitting under the tree, the ring continued to spin between my fingers, each rotation a reminder of the cycles of life, of loss, and of love. The quiet of the morning was a canvas upon which my thoughts painted a picture of what was and what could be. In this moment of quiet reflection, I grappled with the weight of responsibility, the burden of leadership, and the personal cost of the choices I had to make. As the first rays of the sun began to filter through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the ground, I realized that no matter what decision I made, it would have to be one that I could live with, one that honored not just my mother's memory, but also the future I hoped to build for those I cared about.

Gaia's question echoed softly in the air, her concern evident. Holding out my mother's ring, I poured out my heart. "My mother's ring. It's all I have left of them. Clarke and Jake, my mom. Not to mention my own parents. All I have of them are my memories."

Gaia gently countered my despair. "That's not are what's left of them," she said, reaching behind her back to reveal something unexpected – the familiar tin containing what was left of the Flame. She opened it briefly, allowing me a glimpse of the remnants of a legacy, before closing it again.

"I lost myself last night," I confessed, the events at the palace weighing heavily on me. "Russell gave me this, and I just—"

"Burning down the palace was a bit extreme," Gaia said with a light smile, trying to ease the tension. "But Kegan...he killed your mother and so many others, and today he will die for it. Maybe once it's done, we can all start over. Except for Madi, who they still call Heda...and I'm letting them. It makes me wonder if I'm just doing what I know because I don't know how to do anything else?"

I offered her a sullen smile, understanding her conflict. "You're doing what's best for Madi, but change takes time. We need to ease them into this new life."

My gaze drifted to the grave I had prepared earlier that morning. It was a final resting place for my mother, a spot she would have loved. With a heavy sigh, I gently laid the ring in the hole. "I love you, Mom. I'll do my best to make you proud."

Gaia knelt beside me, placing the tin containing the Flame's remnants in the grave as well. "Emo gonplei ste odon (Their fight is over)," she whispered.

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