XX ; The Scent Of Chlorine

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– We could try to change the date on our phones? Maybe we should just fall asleep and hope that tomorrow the world will be back to normal? Or we could watch a tutorial on YouTube?

– A tutorial on YouTube? Really?

– What!?

Minho is offended.

– Someone once explained to me that in situations like this, during a moment of brainstorming, we should give all our ideas, no matter if they are completely ridiculous or even impossible to realize.

Hyunjin, exasperated, ends up dropping his head on the back of the dark gray leather sofa he is sitting on.

– I think I'm starting to get a little too tired to think properly...

The smaller purses his lips slightly, agreeing with the words of the taller. The day was long and full of emotions.

– I have an idea.

Hyunjin opens one eye, puzzled.

– Tell me?

– What if we visited the hotel a little to find a room?

– Mmm, good idea. It's not every day that you find yourself at the Park Hyatt in New York, after all. Did you know that renting a room for just one night here can cost around $800 and even $1000?

The brunette widens his eyes. «Who would pay such a sum just to stay here one night?» he thought, shaking his head slightly before getting up from his chair.

– That's such a waste of money.

The taller chuckles before reproducing Minho's actions, getting up in turn to join him and stand by his side. Now leading the walk towards the large luxurious corridors of the hotel, they leave the main hall to begin the visit of the place.

Their footsteps against the brown marble floor resonate against the wooden wall coverings of the corridors and the white lights all lined up on the ceiling light their way.

An extremely rich atmosphere but to which neither Hyunjin nor Minho are accustomed.

They felt more and more poor just by detailing each element that decorates the long corridors.

Paintings that seem to be worth thousands, vases that we would be afraid to even touch, dark wooden furniture that is only used as decoration but which must be worth a lot too...

– Woah... It's so pretty...

– I must admit, I'm amazed too.

The two boys pass by several rooms but each of them seems occupied in view of a piece of white cardboard left on the door handles, indicating that someone is staying there.

– We may have a little difficulty finding a free room. The moment at which time froze corresponds perfectly to the time when people are most of the time under their quilts, in their bedrooms.

– Wonderful.

– Tell me about it.

The two friends giggle before the little one blinks, putting on a funny face.

– That smell...

Hyunjin, though confused, in turn inhales the scent of what appears to be chlorine.

– Hey, the pool was probably closed at that moment! Which would mean that...

– ...That we would have the pool to ourselves!?

They both look excitedly into each other's eyes before starting to run, following the pleasant smell that tickles their nostrils.

The fatigue seems to have left their bodies all at once.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now