XXI ; One Bet, One Winner

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Hyunjin, being already in the water, takes the splashes caused by the famous bomb of the oldest.

The brunette sticks his head out of the water and the two boys burst out laughing.

– My hair! Dumbass!

– Don't worry pretty boy, they're gonna dry quickly.

Hyunjin almost chokes as the smaller one lets his body float on the water, this one ending up on his back, his eyes glued to the ceiling.

A smile is painted on his lips when he hears the taller one exclaim.

– Is that new??

– The little nickname?

– Yes?

But in response, the smaller one simply shrugs before bringing his fingers to his nose to pinch it.

Suddenly, he disappears under the water.

– Hey! Answer me!

Hyunjin snorts again. He wastes no time to join his friend underwater, opening his eyes to see him.

Minho also opens his eyes to come face to face with the swarthy.

He waves to him with his free hand. Hyunjin returns the gesture with both hands, amused.

They looked like children.

They quickly return to the surface to catch their breath then the youngest observes the swimming pool which is made in length.

An idea then pops into his mind.

– Hyun', wanna race with me? The winner gets a massage once we're in the room.

The taller puts his hand on his chin pretending to think about it, but after a short moment of suspense, he nods his head, showing that he approves of the brunette's idea.

– Deal.

The two boys move to the nearest end of the pool and both hold the edge with one hand.

– On your marks... Ready...

– Go!

They give themselves a boost with their feet against the submerged wall and the race begins.

Minho leads first even if he swims with only one arm, the other being bent so that he pinches his nose.

Finally in front of the other end of the pool, they both redo the same maneuver made at the beginning to keep up speed.

Halfway to victory, Hyunjin glances at the smaller one and exclaims in a “surprised” way.

– Min'! You lost your boxers!

Eyes wide as coins, he stops in his swim to look around, then finally looks down at his body.

He has not lost them, but if he does not start moving again, it is the race that he will lose.

– You son of a...!

The trapped rushes to pick up his pace but his efforts were useless as Hyunjin finally comes to the edge and quickly slaps it, signaling victory.

– Won! Looks like someone owes me a massage.

His victorious but piercing gaze crosses and pierces the soul of the smallest who approaches a little more slowly, catching his breath.

– You cheated!

Hyunjin giggles before brushing his hair back with one hand.

– Do I need to remind you that we only established one rule?

Minho blinks, his mouth hanging open.

– The loser owed the winner a massage, but we never talked about any other rules.

The taller offers a wink to his respondent and then gets out of the water, taking his clothes—which he had taken off just before entering the water—as he passed.

– W-Where are you going?

The eyes of the smallest follow the swarthy.

– I'll get us some towels. I don't really want to wait any longer. I need this massage.

Just The Two Of Us | ʰʸᵘⁿʰᵒ [ENG VER.]Where stories live. Discover now